~*~ CHAPTER 2 ~*~

Siberian huskies sign

Picture of my 

"Siberian Husky On Vacation"
®1999-2022,2023Diane Disanno

"Tiki Santiki Shadow"

Hi! My name is Tiki Santiki Shadow.

I'm a black and white male Siberian Husky and I have blue eyes.

That is me above in the photo called

"Siberian Husky On Vacation".

"Siberian Husky On Vacation" was published in the books "Windows Of The World"

and "America at the Millennium:Best Photos of the Century".

I was only four months old when "Siberian Husky On Vacation" was taken.

I live in New York with my Human Mom and Dad.

Mickey also lives with us.

Mickey is a Cockatiel and he is a very big sports fan.

We both love the New York Yankees and New York Rangers.

Mickey collects Yankees gifs.

Later on,I will tell you two stories about two lost dogs that were found during a heat wave.

I use fireworks to enhance my story so don't miss reading it.

In my other lost dog story,I will show you pictures of Mother Tiki and her three pups.

Imagine,you have three Human children,three male German Shepherds

and you find a female Siberian Husky near death.

Well,I ask you,what would you do ?

Would you do something ?

Or would you do nothing ?

I would like to introduce you to my Brother Willie,his mate Santiki

and Shadow the German Shepherd.

Willie is a black and white Siberian Husky and he has blue eyes.

This is the first picture that was taken of them in 1997 when they were puppies.

Image of santiki,willie and shadow

Santiki is a silver Siberian Husky and she has brown eyes.

The pictures of us that are below were taken on "Pool Party" days in August of 1997.

Image tiki and willie

I was on a little vacation staying at my Human Grandma Diane's house.

My Human Mom went to Cooperstown to get married so I stayed with

Willie,Santiki,Shadow and my Human Grandma Diane and Human Grandpa Tony.

We had "Pool Party" everyday.

We had alot of fun !

Picture of my 

image of bar of paws

bird with umbrella

Watch out !

Shadow splashes......

Shadow in pool picture

teddy holding umbrella teddy holding 

silver bar black bones

Image santikiwillie banner

NEXT - Chapter 3

All photographs and text are ©1999-2022.2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.

image of teddy bear with e-mail sign
