~*~ Chapter 6 ~*~

purple pawprints

I would like to show you the pictures of a Siberian Husky
that was found near death from heat stroke on a very hot August day.

She survived the heat stroke and lived to give birth to three beautiful Siberian Husky puppies with blue eyes.

This is her Happy Ending Story

Image tiki and sandy

~*~*~*~ SAN & TIKI ~*~*~*~

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She was about eight to ten years old when found.

She was near death laying in a field in the park.

We were having a heat wave and that day it was 101 degrees.

It wasn't known at the time she was found but she was pregnant.

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~*~*~*~*~ MOTHER TIKI ~*~*~*~*~

Pictures of Mother Tiki,her three puppies and her friends.


Picture of my dog

She was found around August 18,1975.

The puppies were born on September 27,1975.

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Tiki's puppies.

Picture of my dog

Shadow & Toya

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Picture of my dog

Tiki & Shadow

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Picture of my


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Picture of my dog

Thor & Sandy

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Picture of my dogs

Barnabus,Mother Tiki and her puppies

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Picture of my dogs

All of the above animals have gone to Rainbow Bridge

Left to right:

Top row: Barnabus,Eric and Thor

Middle:Erik and Heide

Bottom:Shadow Jr,Sy the cat,Tiki and her three puppies




Till we meet again......at Rainbow Bridge.

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picture of my dogs

Her name was Sandy.

She was called San.

Her Mother's name was Tiki.

When everyone would go play in the yard there was a long list of names to be called.

The three male German Shepherds Erik,Barnabus and Thor.

Then San and Tiki the two female Siberian Huskies.

They all lived together until old age.

Then one by one they went to the Rainbow Bridge to play and wait for the rest of the Family to join them.

image of award

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Mother Tiki's #1 pup Shadow and #2 pup Toya went to two good homes.

San and Tiki stayed with the family and died at a very old age of natural causes.

This is a picture of Sandy when she got older.

Picture of my 

18 purple pawsprints


All photographs and text are ©1999-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
