~*~ CHAPTER 58 ~*~

Image of german shepherd walking across page
Image of banner simon seven weeks old

Image of 20 blue paws

On May 7,2006 my soon to be new owner came to our house to pick out a puppy and leave a deposit.

Out of the litter of six puppies,4 were already taken.

There was only my one Brother and I to chose from.

If you look closely at my picture below you will see the little white marks on my toes.

Image of simon

"These people look nice and

aware of proper puppy and dog care."

Image of 20 blue paws

This is my Brother

Image of 7 week old simon's brother

"Lucky Simon,I was their second choice."

Image of 20 blue paws

Image of simon looking left


"Can I keep them?"

"Can I,please?"

Image of 20 blue paws

Image of simon looking forward

"They seem to really like me."

Image of 20 blue paws

Image of Simon looking right

"She makes me feel warm and safe in her arms."

"I think I found a new Mom!"

Image black gsdog wag tail

Image of 20 blue paws

NEXT - Chapter 59
Simon 7 Weeks Old

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
