Chapter 61

Image of 10 blue pawsprints

Image of title pool party

Image of simon going down the stairs

Simon hears Shadow barking inside the house.
It is too hot today for Shadow to be outside for long.

Image of barking black german shepherd

Image of 10 blue pawprints

Image of simon going down and billy coming up

"Hi,Billy. Welcome. Let's play."

Image of 10 blue pawprints

Image of billy by door

"Simon,let's have a pool party."

Image of 10 blue pawprints

Image billy's first pool party banner

Image of billy in pool fillng with water

"Wow. The cool water feels good."

Image of 10 blue pawprints

Image simon,billy and santiki by pool

"Come on,everybody in the pool!"

Image of 10 blue pawprints

NEXT - Chapter 62
Pool Party Page 3 Of 8

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.