~*~ Chapter 69 ~*~

Image of a line of seven german shepherds

Image of date banner

Image of banner 19 weeks and 4 days old 61 lbs

Image simon with hanging tongue

"You know I can't fit in the windows.
How else can we stay cool?"

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of name santiki in red

Image of santiki under bed

"Find a cool dry spot like under the bed."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of name willie's cat in red

Image cat on bed

"On top of the bed with a fan or A/C on cooling off the room."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of simon and cat on bed

"Did you really have to stay outside in heat like this?"

Image of line of seven german shepherds

Image of simon and cat on bed

"Yes,until our masters took me in."

Image of line of seven german shepherds

NEXT - Chapter 70
Simon - Heat Wave Page 3 Of 5

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
