~*~ Chapter 73 ~*~

Image of Simon 10 months old banner in yellow

Image of name simon in yellow

Image of my dog simon


"See how big I got."

Image of line of collars with hearts

Image of name simon in yellow

Image of my dog

"I'm still growing more."

Image of line of collars with hearts

Image of name shadow in yellow

Image of my dog

"I would like to get as big as Shadow."

Image of line of collars with hearts

Image of names simon and shadow in yellow

Image my dogs by purple fence

"It looks like I'm catching up."

Image of line of collars with hearts

Image of names simon and shadow in yellow

Image of my two dogs digging

"We look like twins."

Image of line of collars with hearts

Image of names simon and shadow in yellow

Image of simon picking up water can

"Who is who?"

Image of line of collars with hearts

NEXT - Chapter 74

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
