~*~ Chapter 78 ~*~

Image of banner simon 1 year old

Image of purple gift box

The Gift:
Running And Playing With A Friend

Image of simon and santiki in snowy yard

"Here are some of the plants you
will water when it gets warmer out."

Image of love and hugs

Image my dogs running

"Over here are some more."
"Don't forget the ones in the backyard too."

Image of love and hugs

Image of my dogs playing

"Human Mom has given me a special job."

Image of love and hugs

Image of simon holding onto santiki's neck

"Santiki,will you teach me
how to hold the water can?"

Image of love and hugs

Image of my dogs on stoop

"This birthday thing is great."
"I have gotten some nice gifts."
"I have good friends that help explain
new and exciting things to me."

Image of love and hugs

NEXT - Chapter 79

All photographs and text are ©2006-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
