~*~ CHAPTER 15 ~*~

Image bar with stars

This is Mickey.

He lives with me.

He's my friend.

I love to help him get his exercise.

picture of my bird

image of dinerimage of truck


Mickey loves them so much.

image of picture of 

Image field image of letter Mimage of the letter Iimage of letter Cimage of letter Kimage of letter Eimage of letter YImage field

Image bar with stars

Five miles.
Tomorrow we run seven.

Image tiki resting

line of stars

Mickey Mantle

Image mic mantle

Image starline

They say everybody has a double.

Image mic mirror

Image linestars

Here would be a great place to put the garland.

Image mic xmas

Spirit of the Eagle


Mickey is a cockatiel,who likes to fly all the time.

He practices so he can even stop on a dime.

So he can do his best.

He keeps himself fit,from his toes to his crest.

For to reach the Stars.

Is really quite far.

 While trying to fulfill his dream,

as a flying member on the Paradise team.

He feels the Eagle Spirit in the sky.

as he is flying high.

He tells Mickey,

"Fly proud and regal,like the Eagle."

The bird who represents our Freedom.

A long time member of the Animal kingdom.

Image starline

This is the frame I want to use
when the pictures come back.

Image mickey

Image linestars

You can't fool me.
I know the treats are in the top right side cabinets.

Image tiki

NEXT - Chapter 16 - Tiki

husky walking

All photographs and text are ©1999-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.
