~*~ CHAPTER 22 ~*~


My Brother Tiki,Santiki and I waited

for the first snow fall to come.

Shadow,the German Shepherd had told us

maybe we would have snow for our First Christmas.

Christmas came and went but we didn't get any snow.

We waited and waited!

We waited for two years !

Tiki's Human Mom had her camcorder ready!

Our Human Mom had her camera ready !

We waited and waited !

Then finally,one day.........

The snow came but it went away the next day.

We finally got to see what this strange thing called "SNOW" was.

Shadow,the German Shepherd,would tell us all about

the fun we would have when the "SNOW" came.

He was right !

We LOVED the SNOW when we first saw it !

We LOVED it even more than the water in our pools

on "POOL PARTY DAYS" during the summer !

We had so much fun in the SNOW.

image of line 

image of my dog

~*~*~ Willie ~*~*~

5 hearts

Santiki and I loved the snow even though it was only around for one day.

Image san and will bench

~*~ Willie & Santiki ~*~


Santiki and I,love to sit on our bench and watch everything.

I especially,like to watch the airplanes that fly over the house.

I enjoy,seeing them very much.

So many of them pass over the house each day.

Just as they pass overhead.....the landing wheels come down.

I enjoy seeing this......

red airplane

During the night,it is so relaxing for us to sit on our bench.

We watch the airplanes as they pass overhead.

You can see all the lights blinking on the wings and tail.

Even the underneath side of the plane.

The windows look so nice all lite up.

The blinking red and green lights look so pretty.

I often,wonder...if they see Santiki and I in the daytime....?

image of airplane with hello

Make sure you visit Santiki's pages later on.

She has a great collection of Teddy bears on her pages.

Santiki loves Teddy bears.

Shadow gave Santiki her very first Teddy bear.

It was his !

I will never forget the day that Santiki took all of

my Human Mom's Halloween decorations out of the front window.

First,Santiki took the scarecrow bear out of the window.

Then she went back to get the pumpkin bear.

One by one she removed the bears from the

window until the pilot bear,the mummy bear,ghost bear

and Miss Liberty bear were all out of the window.

Our Human Mom had gone out to give the children Halloween candy......so.....

one by one,Santiki went to the window to get the bears.

The children saw Santiki at the window and told our Mom what Santiki was doing.....

The next day our Mom bought Santiki her own bears to play with.

Every Christmas,Santa always leaves 3 Teddy Bears under the tree for Santiki,Shadow and I.

image of Will and 

~*~*~ Santiki and Willie ~*~*~

2 bears skatingimage of cute teddy

line of ice

Image of shadow

~*~*~ Shadow ~*~*~

Image of Tiki

~*~ Brother Tiki ~*~

NEXT - Chapter 23 - Willie

husky walking

All photographs and text are ©1999-2022,2023DianeDisanno
All rights reserved.

image of animated airplane