BOB-WILL REALTY P.O. Box 576 Succasunna, NJ 07876 Phone 973-895-3711 or 973-895-5633 February 7, 2001 Claims Technical Specialist Highlands Insurance Group 1000 Lenox Drive P.O. Box 6396, Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648-0396 800-252-4655 Ext. 3184 Re: Insured: William & Jolene Imperial Your File: # 012-003242 Date of Loss: 12/26/98 Claiment: Stephen MacConnell Subject: Summons Docket No. MRS-L-3786-00 Dear Mr. Karpinski: As per your letter dated 1/17/01 regarding the above matter, I have enclosed here with a copy of the summons I have recently received. Please adivise. Thank you for your help.