P.O. Box 576
Succasunna, NJ 07876

June 22, 2000

Steve and Amy MacConnell
P.O. Box 3275
Bethlehem, PA 18017


5 Clayton Road
Randolph, NJ 07869

Dear Steve and Amy:

Enclosed please find your security refund regarding the above premises as follows:

                  SECURITY AMOUNT     $ 1192.50
       6/96 to 6/97 - 2% Interest      $  24.00
       6/97 to 6/98 - 2% Interest      $  24.00
       6/98 to 6/99 - 2% Interest      $  24.00
       6/99 to 8/00 - 2% Interest      $  28.00
                        Sub Total     $ 1292.50

DEDUCTIONS July Rent $ 795.00 __________________________________________________
TOTAL DUE $ 497.50

Very truly yours,

William Imperial, Landlord

Jolene Imperial, Landlord