P.O. Box 576
Succasunna, NJ 07876

December 27, 2005

Sarah Johnson
c/o Floyd Daugherty
1811 Myrtle Ave.
Plainfield, N.J. 07063


6 Clayton Road
Randolph, NJ 07869

Dear Sarah:

Enclosed please find your security refund regarding the above premises as follows:

                  SECURITY AMOUNT     $ 1725.00
 08/1/05 to 11/1/05 - 1% Interest          5.76
                    DECEMBER RENT     $ 1150.00
                        SUB TOTAL     $ 2880.76
Early penalty as per rental agree    -$  350.00
           Recorder Publishing Ad    -$  330.20
                  Daily Record Ad    -$  403.75
                  Burns in Carpet    -$  300.00
Furnish and install new bedroom door -$  300.00
Replace broken isulated glass window -$  285.00
Refridge Door Lower dent upper burn  -$  150.00
Repair and Reinstall 3 cabinet doors -$   75.00
Labor to Paint 3rd coat over dark 
colors                               -$  350.00
          Cost of additiona paint    -$   75.00
Cost to pick up furniture left behind-$   40.00 
Bleach counters, cabinets,Kitchen 
and bathroom floors,All windows.     -$  200.00
Balance of over due fuel bill billed
to us from Mitchell Supreme Fuel Co. -$  353.44
                      Sub TOTAL      -$ 3212.39

                      TOTAL DUE       $  331.63

Very truly yours,

William Imperial, Landlord