P.O. Box 576
Succasunna, NJ 07876

October 29, 2011

Christopher Devery
7 Grey Trail
Vernon, NJ 07462
Cell: 973-202-4242


3709 Rt. 94
Hamburg, NJ 07419

Dear Christopher:

Enclosed please find your security refund regarding the above premises as follows:

                        SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,875.00
       06/01/06 to 06/01/07 1% interest    $    18.75
                        SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,893.75
     06/01/07 to 06/01/08 1/2% interest    $     8.00
            increase addtional security         75.00
                        SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,976.75
     06/01/08 to 06/01/09 1/2% interest    $     9.37
                        SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,986.12
     06/01/09 to 06/01/10 1/2% interest    $     9.44
                        SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,995.56
     06/01/10 to 10/01/11 1/2% interest    $    13.32
                        SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 2,008.88 


                                 Total     $ 2,008.88

Very truly yours,

William Imperial, Landlord