P.O. Box 576
Succasunna, NJ 07876

MARCH 31, 2008

Karl Lutschewitz
83 New York Ave.
Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849
Cell: 201-919-1466


2 Clayton Lane
Randolph, NJ 07869

Dear Karl:

Enclosed please find your security refund regarding the above premises as follows:

                  SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,192.50
       08/99 to 08/00 2% interest    $    23.84
                  SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,298.00
       08/00 to 08/01 2% interest    $    25.96
                  SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,413.96
       08/01 to 08/02 1% interest    $    14.40
                  SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,503.36
       08/02 to 10/05 1% interest    $    47.50
                  SECURITY AMOUNT    $ 1,700.86
       10/05 to 03/08 1% interest    $    42.30


                           Total     $ 1,743.20

Very truly yours,

William Imperial, Landlord