There was a child
born long ago
unlike any other
whose presence set
the world aglow
and he came
to be our brother.
He earned a living by
working with wood
and helped his friends fish
whenever he could.
A carpenter and a fisherman
who grew up to be a
humble BUT sturdy man.
Why was he here?
Who would know?
What would he do and
where would he go?
He came to show us
God's great love,
to reaffirm His plan,
and intercede to the
One above
on behalf of all of man.
He was outspoken
in all he said.
He healed those sick
and raised the dead
to show us what God
would eventually do
on a world-wide scale
for me and you.
He gave up his body
his EARTHLY life,
at great cost,
and according to law,
for the life that
Adam lost. . .
So that we,
in God's NEW earth,
could always be
healthy, young, people
living eternally.
Unlike the paintings that
depict him as dead, or a
scrawny sour puss,
he's ALIVE and returning
to settle the issues 'cause
Jesus is NOT a wuss!
Unlike any other
he came to be our
savior and he came
to be our brother.
No cause to feel dismay
just sound out the alarms.
To him reach out your hand
he is holding out his arms.
Background, page design,
He Lives graphic and
and writing © 4/20/00,05
My Other Pages
Graphics from:
Emmas Home
"Majestic" midi
composed &
copyrighted by:
with copyright
Be kind to your
fellow webber
and do not link
to images.