Friday 09/18/1998 2:08:38am
Homepage Title:Missy K Danger Explosive
Click For Page:My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Comments:Hey now u will have to help me with mine LOL. Maybe then i wouldn't lose it. It's a great page and u should be proud of it. Bye and see u later.¥
Friday 09/18/1998 1:40:56am
Homepage Title:marys place
Click For Page:My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Location:reno nv
Comments:Hi frecs, you did a great job on your home page. I love everything about. keep up the good work.
Friday 09/18/1998 0:36:15am
Homepage Title:Krayziegirl's WaKkY woRld
Click For Page: My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Comments:HEY!!! I totally love the page, I finally got my rear in gear and decided to come see it! it's really great. And now even better because you're not at Angelfire! I just don't see how you needed my help there is soo much stuff on here that i don't even know how to do! Be proud of it! a website is a hard thing to have and keep up, 'specially being as good as it is! *S* WEll ok I think that's enough, Laterz...
Friday 09/18/1998 0:17:18am
Name:Dan T.
Homepage Title:Dans Upload Service
Click For Page:My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Location:Arkansas (Chicago Originally)
Comments:Very Nice Page,I like the way you done your guestbook.We are going to have to trade secrets one day,I would like to know how you set up a Background in your Read Guestbook.Please Reply......Dan T.
Friday 09/18/1998 0:05:18am
Homepage Title: None
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Comments:Great page!!Keep up the good job-its great knowing you!!
Friday 09/18/1998 5:51:09am
Name:tazmania7 (aka Ernie )
Homepage Title:Taz's World
Click For Page:My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Comments:Very nicely done Keep up the good work and Have fun while your at it
Friday 09/18/1998 5:25:39am
Name:Pam Blair
Homepage Title:Doomed for disaster! LoL
Homepage URL:http://not worth noting
Referred By:From a Friend
Location:Guyton, GA. about to move....
Comments:Hey Veronica! Your page looks Grrrrrrreat! I'm proud of you!Sorry you fell in the Web! Write me when you get out!LoL You've done a terrific job! I'm not just saying that because you're my best friend or because I love you to death! Actually I'm a little jealous but I'm really happy because I know how hard you've worked! ((((((((((((((((HUGS!!!)))))))))))))))))))
Friday 09/18/1998 4:42:59am
Homepage Title:tinks doodles
Click For Page: My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Comments: :)I just came by to oohh and aaahh over your page its great!
Friday 09/18/1998 4:31:36am
Name:Debra (Rainbow)
Homepage Title:Rainbows World
Click For Page:My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Comments:Hi Veronica, thanks for the "Special List"!!It was very sweet of you! I'm glad, that Dan was able to help restore your page. He is a nice guy!I love your graphics! You are doing a great job, keep it up!!
Friday 09/18/1998 2:15:05am
Homepage Title:All for the Lord, Jesus Christ
Click For Page:My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Location:Texas City, TX
Comments:Hey frecs, love your page!! You've done an awesome job and I'm looking forward to seeing it as you add more things to it. Keep up the great work. Love ya, KID-OE