Thursday 10/29/1998 8:31:39pm
Name:Kathleen Howard
Homepage Title:~Kathies Treasures~
Homepage URL: My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Comments:I have been receiving your e-mails from "babydoll" & couldn't be ~ "happier" ~ you are talented and gifted and "credit" is "bestowed upon you today" :-} (wish I could do 1/2 as good) ~ HO-HUM ~ God Bless ^-^
Sunday 10/25/1998 10:44:44am
Homepage Title:Xanthe's Lair
Homepage URL: My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Location:Lakeland, Fl
Comments:Hey...great site! I love the panic button especially. I talked to you in TalkCity tonight and you Emailed me your page so that I could set up a link---and I sure do appreciate it. After all those hours of work, Xanthe's Lair is open and ready for customers! :) Thanks again!
Friday 10/23/1998 11:07:26am
Homepage Title:Tess's Castle In The Sky
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Comments:hey great imagination and original pages you have here! I'm returning your visit and I'll check back later to see how you're doing :-)
Wednesday 10/21/1998 8:09:48am
Homepage Title:shelby's angel art gallery
Homepage URL: My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Location:new mexico
Comments:your page is SO great!!!!!! i really enjoyed visiting it. thanks so much for signing my book too!
Sunday 10/18/1998 2:32:33am
Homepage Title:Friends of the Wolves
Homepage URL: My Site
Referred By:NewsGroups
Location:Monroeville, PA.
Comments:Very nicely put together...lots of intersting reading...entertaining...great job.......
Wednesday 10/14/1998 4:32:54pm
Homepage Title: None
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Comments:Great page...well put together and alot of nice stuff here.....Thanks
Wednesday 10/14/1998 2:40:16am
Name:Ruth Carter
Homepage Title:House on Ghost Hill
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Location:White Oak, TX
Comments:Thought I'd drop in and take a look at your web site. Very Kewl. Very interesting! You have my permission to link to my web site. =o) Later! Twister624
Tuesday 10/13/1998 7:16:28pm
Name:Steve Kramer
Homepage Title: None
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Location:colorado via brooklyn
Comments:very well put together.
Monday 10/12/1998 2:36:20am
Homepage Title:Frank's Home
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Comments:Hi you have a very interesting page,,, i got lost in you button's page,,, its was fun,,, ,,Keep up the work on it,, i am sure you will come up with the coolest page,.....~Frank
Sunday 10/11/1998 10:28:20pm
Homepage Title:Bridey`s A to Z Links
Homepage URL: My Site
Referred By:Signing another Guestbook
Comments:Hi Veronica, Terrific site!!You have a wonderful sense of humor and such great imagination.I will definitely be back.Thanks for stopping by & signing my guestbook.I apprecite it. :-)
Saturday 10/10/1998 3:17:09pm
Name:Verna Marceron
Homepage Title:DreamPost
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:From a Friend
Comments:Veronica....great site with original design! I had fun! You're doing great for such a young site. Can't wait to stop back by. Keep up the good work. :)
Saturday 10/10/1998 1:24:00am
Homepage Title: None
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Location:Syracuse NY
Comments:Hi Veronica!! This is the coolest web page I have seen yet!!! Thanks for sharing it with me. See ya soon.
Friday 10/09/1998 7:33:26am
Name:Dear B
Homepage Title:Welcome to Ask Dear B...
Homepage URL: My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Comments:Truly a terrific different, yet so easy to get around. I really like it and thanks for sharing. Really novel idea here....with great humor!
Thursday 10/08/1998 5:18:17pm
Name:Lady Oh
Homepage Title:Lady Oh's Favorite Gifs And Jpgs
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:Viewing another Guestbook
Comments:I think you have one of the most unusual sites I have seen. I really enjoyed myself and got a chuckle out of a lot of things. Very good work. I am really impressed.Lady Oh
Thursday 10/08/1998 12:00:42am
Name:George (gjz¿¿¿)
Homepage Title:Life In Brooklyn
Homepage URL: My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Location:Where else,but Brooklyn
Comments:Great homepage.What else would I expect from someone from Brooklyn but the best.I would like to invite you to join my groups webring
Tuesday 10/06/1998 9:02:53pm
Name:Neon Umber
Homepage Title:Neon he crazy?!!
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:Just Surfed On In
Location:Around and about
Comments:Hey Veronica, thanks for the sign in on my page. Glad you had fun with Castle!! It was a fun game to make and keep up with. Fun page you got together here. Sure I'll be back again.
Sunday 10/04/1998 8:27:39pm
Name:norma davisson
Homepage Title:cool-mom's homepage
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:Viewing another Guestbook
Location:rosenberg texas
Comments:I really love your page---i LOL---at the part of do any of these foods look familiar---playing on the internet---sometimes we forget everything else----LOLyour pages are so cool----
Saturday 10/03/1998 11:39:47pm
Name:Beverly Coplin
Homepage Title:Bev's Place
Homepage URL:My Site
Referred By:Clicked on a 'Guestbooks by GuestWorld' Button
Comments:Hey Veronica, Everything is looking great on your site. I think you have some pretty cool stuff. I enjoy just visiting and looking at all the graphics and images. Keep up the good work. Beverly