Joey's Guestbook
World War II Joey's Memories

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Jan 30th 2003 at 07:41:42 PM
What is your name?
How did you find this Web Site?
   from my guestbook
Where are you from?
   Sayre, Alabama
Did you serve in the Military?
Do you have any comments?
   what an amazing story Joey...u went thru too much it sounds like...thanks for being my friend..Sharon~

    Jan 13th 2003 at 02:42:19 PM
What is your name?
   Phyllis (Love) Knowlton
How did you find this Web Site?
   Joey emailed it to me
Where are you from?
   Campbell, CA
Did you serve in the Military?
   No, but my father was killed in Action in Germany 1945
If so, where and when?
   1944-45 Germany
Do you have any comments?
   I enjoyed Joey's story so much. He is truly a hero as was all of the other men who served in WWII. My father did not come back to tell his story. I'm sure it took a lot of courage just to put it all in writing and relive it again, but it is all for a good reason, to share with others who can only imagine what it was like over there. It makes it all too real for us. Thanks again

        Nov 13th 2002 at 02:42:31 PM
What is your name?
   Judy G
What is the Title of your Web Site:
   J's Universe
A Description of your Web Site:
   The index to my many websites. F-Keys,Poetry and many cat sites
How did you find this Web Site?
   WPO newsgroup
Where are you from?
Did you serve in the Military?
Do you have any comments?
   The stories were fascinating! You are a true hero! Looking forward to more.

Nov 12th 2002 at 06:43:25 PM
What is your name?
What is the Title of your Web Site:
   family values
A Description of your Web Site:
   about me and my family
How did you find this Web Site?
   news group
Where are you from?
Did you serve in the Military?
If so, where and when?
   Air Force.1953-1957. one year in Korea and Japan
after the korean war ended.
Do you have any comments?
   Wow, God was with him. What a story. I will be looking for more as you print it. Thanks.

    Nov 12th 2002 at 03:49:44 PM
What is your name?
What is the Title of your Web Site:
   Club Webpage Opinions Homepage
A Description of your Web Site:
   Welcome message for my NewsGroup.
How did you find this Web Site?
   The site was posted in my NewsGroup
Where are you from?
   Rhode Island
Did you serve in the Military?
   Sorry to say, no
Do you have any comments?
   What a wonderful story from someone who's actually been there! God was certainly watching over you as you defended our great country. You are indeed a hero! Looking forward to reading more of your stories. God Bless

    Nov 10th 2002 at 01:38:55 PM
What is your name?
What is the Title of your Web Site:
A Description of your Web Site:
   Just about everything thats fun
How did you find this Web Site? 
  Through Krissie of the wolf pack
Where are you from?
   The show-me-state--missouri
Did you serve in the Military?
If so, where and when?
   1942 til end of war then 8years in the reserves
Do you have any comments?
   Only to say I spent my time in the Pacific.I had two brothers in the Europe campaign.Now to get to you.You are one of many solders of ww2 that has made this country that it is today and I solute you for the things you have went through.I pray that we never have to go through times like that again.We may not agree with things that are going on now but it still the best darn country in the world.Thanks for sharing.(---Ted---)

    Nov 10th 2002 at 11:57:40 AM
What is your name?
   Sleeping Lady
Where are you from?
Do you have any comments?
   Joey, thank you for sharing your poignant memories of world war 11, an important event in history that hopefully will be past on to every generation for Freedom never comes easy, always sacrifices to be made and the people who make those sacrifices for us like you Joey have my deepest, humble respect and thankfulness. These memoirs, history should always be kept alive so we never forget the important word of "Freedom!" Krissy, beautiful pages ... simple, subdue but eloquent. Joey, wishing you a peaceful Veterans Day and a big heartwarm Thank You for your service and dedication for preserving the freedoms in our country. ~Sleeping Lady

Nov 10th 2002 at 08:57:40 AM
What is your name?
How did you find this Web Site?
   news groups
Where are you from?
Did you serve in the Military
If so, where and when?
   White Sands Missle Range, NM early 70's
Do you have any comments

   Thank you for answering freedom's call! Like WWII, this "war on terrorism" is a totally righteous cause. Unlike your generation, i'm very afraid the willingness to win regardless of cost or sacrifice just isn't there. You and your generation have/has earned the respect and gratitude of freedom loving people world wide! Again, let me say, Thank YOU for investing YOUR youth in my freedom!!

        Nov 9th 2002 at 05:48:32 PM
What is your name?
How did you find this Web Site?
   through Krissy
Where are you from?
   Pacifica, CA
Did you serve in the Military?
Do you have any comments?
   Thank you Joey. Your story is wonderful and I am grateful that Krissy was able to put it all into words. God bless you both.

        Jul 21st 2002 at 12:45:35 PM
What is your name?
What is the Title of your Web Site:
   High Tide
A Description of your Web Site:
   Poems, Prayers & Promises
How did you find this Web Site?
   I am the webmaster.
The site is under construction.
Where are you from?
   Morro Bay, California
Did you serve in the Military?
Do you have any comments?
   Jubilee Freedom Medal from France

Dear Joey,
What can I say that has not already been said? You were on the beach at Omaha.You lived the movie 'Private Ryan'.I know how hard it has been for you to tell me the details of your Army service. Anybody who thinks you sit back bragging as you tell these secrets is dead wrong. Every single word has been painful. We can not change the past and I feel strongly we must share the truth with our children. As least make it available to them so that they may read it if they choose. Joey, you have done that. A Real American Hero.

Love, Krissy

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