Div (short for division) divides the content into individual sections. Each section can then have its own formatting, as specified by the CSS. Div is a block-level container, meaning that there is a line feed after the </div> tag.
Span is similar to div in that they both divide the content into individual sections. The difference is that span goes into a finer level, so we can span to format a single character if needed. There is no line feed after the </span> tag.
However there are other ways, discovered by The Professor, to divide content. That is by using Red Apples and Green Beans . There probably is a point to all of this, but that will have to wait until a pencil sharpener is found. Meanwhile
<style type=text/css>
.pole {
.delicious {
<melon id=apple>
<redapples class=delicious>
Apples are red and very delicious
Apples are red and very delicious
<raspberry id=bean>
<greenbeans class=pole>
Beans are green and very nutricious
Beans are green and very nutricious