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From: READYTEDDY@webtv.net
(The Professor)
Date: Fri, May 06, 1999, 6:01 a.m (GMT-6)
To: READYTEDY@webtv.net (The Professor)
Subject: Re: The E-Mail Bordered Background

And here is the code implemented for the E-Mail Message. Select Previous on the Side Bar menu to return to the Bordered Background Tutorial.

The Profesor has used the short form for the Images used in this tutorial. Therefore the sprite.gif will not work for you. Replace any of the images used with the complete URL of the image of your choosing.

Windy's Design Studio has a great list of Bordered Backgrounds. To get there just click the Web TV Logo on the top of the Side Bar. Then scroll to the botom of that page and select Gallery. To find the URL of any Background do this.

Click on a background of your choice.

Select Options, Go To and Show Last.

Erase htm in the window.

Replace with either jpg or gif.

Press Go To Page.

Repeat step No1 and the URL for the background will be displayed in the window.

        This is where any text and coding will appear in your E-Mail but you must write them in your Sigature Box if you want them to appear in the Bordered Background