Most of the images on this site were obtained from public domain . If you find any that I thought to be public domain & you are the artist, email me & I will remove them or give credit when credit is due.
If you use any on your email Sigs or pages.please mention where you found them.

I will be adding to these pages often so reload. if you visit again.

Do NOT link directly to the images on this site

You are free to use my Lines & Bars but,you MUST transload/download them to your own address. Do NOT link directly to the images.You may use as many as you want to decorate your pages with but NOT to add an entire page to your own Bar site collection.

END OF LaRoy's Page


Site Menu

(Listed Alphabetically)

[African/American Gifs]
[Angel Gifs]
[Anniversary Gifs]
[Baby Gifs]
[Birthday/Party Gifs]
[Christmas Index]
[Christmas Glitter-1]
[Christmas Glitter-2]
[Easter Gifs]
[Fall Gifs]
[Fantasy Gifs]
[Father's Day Gifs]
[Flower Gifs]
[God Bless The U.S.A.
[Graduation Gifs]
[Grandparents Day]
[Halloween Gifs]
[Halloween Gifs-2]
[July 4th]
[Labor Day Gifs]
[Memorial Day Gifs]
[Mother's Day]
[New Years Gifs]
[New Year Glitter Gifs]
[School Gifs]
[Spring Gifs]
[St. Patrick's Day]
[Summer Fun Gifs]
[Summer Sport Gifs]
[Summer Vacation Gifs]
[Teddybear Gifs]
[Thanksgiving Gifs]
[Valentine Gifs]
[Valentine Glitter Gifs]
[Hearts & Flowers]
[Wedding Gifs]
[Winter Gifs]
