~Globe Created by Garden of Friendship Graphics' Committee~

Today I met you
we dined and danced
Today I met you
I hope we have a chance.

I was nervous at first
and couldn't understand
But the ice is broken
I know you have a plan.

You move slow and careful
deciding your course
Wondering what will be
the right choice.

You show how much you care
The gentleman you are
You make me feel like a Queen
High upon your pedelstal.

You share yourself
Your secrets and emotions
I must be special
With the right potions.

You look for happiness
with open arms
I hope you find in me
that right charm.

I found in you
what I was looking for
May we both find happiness
On the other side of the door.

Whatever it is that we endure
You can be absolutely sure
That we will always be

~Author-Miss G~
~Copyright © 2000 - 2009 GMP~ All Rights Reserved. Duplication or Other Use Prohibited.

~Music Playing - Take My Breath Away