Then They Will Know
(Ezekiel 35:15)

td>Long have your foes your holy name reviled,
With their deceit your holy place defiled.
Soon will your King your righteousness make known;
Satan's dominion will be overthrown.


Then they will know you only are Jehovah;
Then they will know your ways are just and true,
Then they will know throughout the whole creation,
All you have purposed you will surely do.

Your glorious pow'r, by Satan long defied,
Soon will be shown and nevermore denied,
His earthly host, in Armageddon's war.
Will meet destruction and oppress no more.


Proud hearts that Know no pity for the meek
To hold their pow'r o'er all mankind do seek.
Your mighty arm will break the hateful yoke.
Soon men will vanish who your wrath provoke.