Why have you done this to me?

"Have I not loved you through all times?

Have I not always been there with you?

Why have my Father and I been locked away?

Why have we been taken out of the homes, schools, and the hearts of man?"

Look what I did for you...
...and I didn't even know you....

My Father has given you wonderful gifts, and one is called Earth.
You are destroying it!

The waters which used to substain life is no longer fit for any life.
You have polluted them with your chemicals and wastes.

Your life giving trees were made to give oxygen and clean the air;
and are being destroyed for the purposes of greed.
Have you figured out how to artificially make oxygen,
get rid of pollutants, and keep the soil in place as well as a tree?
And still, give shade, beauty and music to the sky...as a tree does?

The floods, hurricanes, mudslides, etc...are all because of the changes you've done to the land and air.
My Father has heard you when you have cried, "Why, God"?
He didn't do it...you did......
It hurts me so bad to hear those crys, but you must reap what you sow.

How can you start wars in my name!
All have their own beliefs about my Father and I, but does it mean that they are wrong?
If their belief gives them love in their hearts.....then they are just as right as you.
Why kill each other?

Why are there so many children suffering?
No fathers, abuse, molestation and neglect!
These little ones are great and wonderous gifts from heaven, and look at their suffering.
This is mostly from women who lack self-esteem.
They feel they cant be too choosy.
Didn't my Father promise each a soulmate? Why do you feel that you are only half a person without a mate?

Women, you are all special in my eyes.
You have given charge over these little ones, and I know it's so hard when you have to provide for them,
but why have you stopped asking my Father for help?

Pray ladies.....and teach the little ones to pray also... I AM here!

Satan works on you. He knows to get to man, all he has to do is go through you.
Where women go, man will follow.
Note....it was his plan right from the beginning...it worked on Eve...and it's worked ever since.

The celebration of my birth is near, and the heavenly spirits are getting ready to celebrate with you. (yes....we are always with you)
Man is celebrating the materials of his life and not the spiritual.
What happened? Santa is the name on all things Christmas now, and even the word "Christmas" has Christ ignored.

Many of mankind is searching for the true meaning, only to find themselves emptyhearted again this year.
Let those who are truly looking for the Spirit of Christmas....help someone in need this year.
Dont pay with money, but with Love.
Volunteer your time and heart for this is the true meaning.

I will be coming very soon.
When, depends on you. The date is not written in stone.
That decision is on you.
I loved you enough to die for you. All I ask is that you love enough just to be good to each other.

Take back your schools, and your government.
Without God in ALL aspects of your lives....you have no life.

...and keep in touch....pray...

I am with you always
...even to the end of time....

This page is dedicated to my son, Timothy.
He is a special child,
with a giant heart, and a love for nature.

Some of the beautiful graphics used on this page belong to Danny Hahlbohm.
To see more of this mans wonderful artwork,
click here

I feel that to put this guestbook on this page is somewhat giving me credit for the page, but many have ask for one.
I give all credit to the Divine, and hope you do too.

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