Our route

Sailing Yacht Sagitta

Sea Lions are so playful - we were right beside these and they have no fear of humans.

Marine Iguana - the only iguanas in the world that go into water

Swallow-tailed Gulls

Frigate Bird

Courting Blue Footed Boobie

Courting Frigate Bird (do you see a theme . . .)

Blue Footed Boobie

More Boobies

Iguanas trying to keep warm

Awwwww, kitchy, kitchy, coo

See how close you can get to the animals

Some horsies and horselets

Egret riding on shell of tortoise

Vermillion Flycatcher riding on tortoise - the tortoises stir up insects and the birds reap the benefits - symbiosis lives

What a pretty face

Them's honkin' big tortoises, not to mention, old.

Cactus Finch on cactus

Lonesome George - the last of his kind in the world

I wish this sea lion would learn how to relax

Masked Boobie

Here we go a snorkeling, tra la la la, la la

Under sail (this was the only time they hoisted the sails)

Although the terrain is different on each island, many were as forbidding as this one. Needless to say, the were formed by volcanos

Green sea turtle

Another example of the landscape with volcano in the background.

See the Pink Ducks?

Another view of the Pink Ducks

Yellow Warbler


Giant Blue Heron

Galapagos Penguin - the second smallest in the world.

Sea Turtle nests

Skeleton of the dreaded Goatoise . . . scary!

This guy was just happily ambling along our path.

Land Iguana - them's big

The crew would fold our towels in different designs each day

It's kinda hard to see but everyone had to step over a sea lion that was lying on the steps.

Whale bones

Look at that beautiful smile

Flightless comorant - because they never fly, their wings evolved into stubs - they 'fly' through the water.

More iguanas - they're everywhere (as are sea lions)

Galapagos Hawk

Fur seal - it's actually a sea lion but are called seals for some unknown reason (at least unknown to me).

The chef bake a cake for our final night and put a broken heart on it because they were sorry to see us leave because we were such a nice group. It was a marble cake with white icing - my favorite.

Notice how the cantaloupe and pineapple are carved into birds

Motley Crew

