Bottom right segment of our 50th Anniversary quilt by Colleen Mckay.

Blocks and photos, left to right:
Row 1: Shelley Beall; Mary Ann Harder, Carol Diggs, Jane & Dick Holmes, Linda Fernandez, Lindsay Ruland, Meryl Schecter; Joel Liebman, Gloria Jones, Marie Cotton, Pat Smith, Nancy, Edna Auer, Deborah Kinsey, Pat & Harald
Row 2: Faithful Circle Quilters friends: Juliann Nankervis, Margo Cramer, Ellie Layman, Caren McNamara, Mary Allulis, Barbara Bennett, Aurelia Dett; Bob, Bill Moore, Barbara Bennett, Caren Fitzpatrick, Roma Knee, Mary Allulis; Lurlene & Nathan McNichol
Row 3: Chrystie and Gerry Read; Bob, Joel Liebman, Nancy; Poem by Joel, read at celebration at church
Row 4: Chrystie & Gerry Read; Joel and his cat, Chewie; Joel's Poem

Click here to read the poem by Joel Liebman.

Click here for an index to all the segments.

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