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September and October, 2002
Muse editors: Bob and Nancy Murdock, Baltimore, MD.

*GED GRADUATION (Khendra Murdock)
*SUMMER UPDATES (Natalie Murdock)
*WE'RE NOT MOVING TO KC (Sarah Bergeron)
*PIG ROAST (Polly Soberg)
*COMPUTER GEEKS (Missi Howlett)
*PAM'S EXHIBIT (Charles Frost)
*REVIEW - TV SHOW "MONK" (Meri Murdock)
*SETTLING IN (Lori Turner)
*END OF SUMMER (Polly Soberg)
- - - - MUSE PART 2 - - - -Click
*FROM HOT TO HOTTER (Nancy Murdock)
*SOUTH TO LA MIRADA (Nancy Murdock)
*HEADING HOME (Nancy Murdock)
- - - - MUSE PART 3 - - - -Click
*GREETINGS FROM EXTON, PA! (Dawn Wylie-Hiscock)
*POWWOW (Carol Howlett)
*HOSTING (Daniel Leskinen)
*TWO WEEKS IN EUROPE (Christel M. Murdock)
*I AM NOT A VAMPIRE (Meri Murdock)
*I'M SPOILED (Meri Murdock)
*MAINLY ART AND MUSIC (Sanghee Johnson)
*GATHERING AT DUNN'S POND (Teddie Doane & Dotty Salminen)
*TRIP REPORT (Gene Murdock) Click
*SNIPPETS (Musers)

Christie Murdock

Coronado, Calif. -- A couple of weeks ago, my Grandmother, Marjorie Hanson was on a friend's yacht with a Real Estate customer. When it was time to bring the boat in, the customer was instructed not to jump off the boat, but unfortunately, all did not go as planned and as the man tried to compensate for the person who didn't manage to get onto the dock in time to pull the boat in, he jumped off and missed the dock, causing him to fracture two ribs, and puncture a hole in his lung.

Seeing that he was unable to swim and was barely managing hold onto a rail in the wharf, where it was impossible to climb up, my Grandmother called out for help, but everyone seemed in a state of shock, so the unlikely heroine jumped into the water, swam to the man and kept him afloat. She again called out for help, asking the crowd of stunned observers to call an ambulance, but again, to no avail.

She finally got him out of the water, and both dripping wet, they went to the hospital in her car. The man is safe and sound now and is recovering well. "I'm glad I saved him," she jokes," otherwise Escrow never would have closed!"

[Ed. Note: Marjorie is in her mid 70s.]

Khendra Murdock

The graduation ceremony was great. It was exciting walking across the stage, receiving the scroll, and knowing that Dad was taking pictures. I saved the tassle and program. One of the graduates sang, and a person could tell how much the moment meant to her.

It's hard to believe that college begins in August...I'm really looking forward to that! My schedule is great - I like all my classes, especially Psychology (my major; I'm thinking I'll want to be a counselor of some sort) and Honors English. I'm going a year earlier than most - this would have been my senior year in high school had I not taken the GED - but I feel prepared. The plan is for me to spend two years at the community college that I've selected, and then to move on to the local 4-year college.

Click here for a photo.

Darrel Murdock

Hello to everyone from the bottom of my heart and from the heart of my Autumn. The most beautiful weather is seeping in now here in Minnesota, bringing with it the return of the Stella D'oro golden trumpets, the ubiquitous multi-colored mums and the blue and purple hardy asters. The annuals that took a beatin' from the heat are taking back their posts in numbers and the striped Morning Glories are rising above it all.

Lori and I have enjoyed biking in this cooler weather. We have a nearly deserted park a mile away where we can peddle up a paved path next to a creek with many waterfalls and then coast all the way back. It seems like the humans and accompanying 4-leggers are much happier as the humidity becomes a non-issue again. It is such a relief it almost causes euphoria by contrast. Actually... it does with me. It's just unclear whether I'm a human or a four poster.

On a final note, it's time to start restocking AAALynx's Internet Links Garden again, too. I have added some places to find all kinds of music (midi files) so you can locate your favorites and originals as well as sites with the lyrics added. You might as well call it karaoke.

Have a great autumn and I'll see y'all in the Nov-Dec issue of my favorite newsletter!

Carol Murdock

Payton does look a little like Christie when she was young. She is adorable. It is really nice being a grandmother for the first time. I find I run out of energy when I take care of her. I really enjoy it though. I think about you and Slim and all the grandchildren you have.

You manage to stay in touch and maintain a connection with everyone. I appreciate it more and more as I age . ; ) I think about the quilting class we took together at Unsworth - those were some nice memories. Anyhow, I hope Slim had a wonderful birthday. I hope you both are doing well.

Natalie Murdock

July 11: Well, I'm doing good....don't have another job yet, but I'm concentrating on school. Actually school is out, the regular year, and I'm taking a make-up class from my sophomore year. Wow, I cannot believe my 3rd year of high school is over, and I'm now a senior. I will graduate in June 2003. Other than that, I finished the school year with a 2.8 GPA, not my best at all. My softball season just ended, too; got a great tan thanks to that. My social life has been a blast, couldn't ask for any more fun.

Now, the big news....I've won a couple of contests this past month. First, I won a pie-eating contest at Mer's work...won 4 Dodger tickets. However, the biggest thing I've won is a radio contest to meet The Osbournes (Ozzy and family), I totally love Kelly Osbourne, she's like my idol, and no words can express how happy I am. The breakfast scheduled for them and the contest winners was cancelled about 3 weeks ago, but they said they'd reschedule, due to Sharon Osbourne's cancer scare. So, the radio station is still allowing me to attend the Ozzfest concert that I won tickets to, as well, plus I'll get to meet them backstage. PLUS, they're sending me an autographed CD. The concert is scheduled for August 31, 2002, so I'll update.

July 15: I am doing great in both summer school classes, an "A" in both (Bio A and B). Entering my senior year of highschool, wow. I will definitely be applying to college and I really hope to study some sort of psychiatry. I love it. I'll be looking into scholarships. I hope to join the Varsity softball team at school. As you know, I play for the city. As for the academic part of school, I forgot what classes I'm taking, but I remember that I got into a class I needed a recommendation for, Creative Writing. I'll also be taking the regulars (econ., gov, etc.).

I think it is absolutely awesome that Christie and I are graduating at the same time. I hope I can attend her graduation, and vice versa.

I start Driver's Ed on Saturday. [Ed. Note: NaTT passed her driver's test while were in CA. She'll now be able to drive with a licensed driver.]

Sarah Bergeron

I just read the newest Muse, another wonderful issue!

It was so nice seeing you both at Lori's wedding. Here is a link to the pictures I took that day: http://groups.msn.com/LoriMichaelsWedding/sarahspictures.msnw

Your presence was much missed at the Webster family gathering this year. We were a small group this year but it was nice, there was plenty of roast pig for everyone! And the weather, though hot, was so much better than last year when we all huddled under the canopy in the pouring rain! I took lots of pictures there too, and posted them online - they can be viewed at http://groups.msn.com/PaleSarahsPictures/almost4thofjulygatherings.msnw.

In other news, I joined Gary on one of his business trips to Kansas City last month. I used up most of my accrued time to go on the 5-day trip, and spent most of those days stuck in a not-so-great hotel, alone (Gary's schedule was changed so he didn't have as much free time as we had planned on), with bronchitis. Not exactly an ideal vacation! His work was trying to woo us into moving to Kansas City- they had offered us both jobs there earlier in the year, which we almost accepted but ultimately turned down due to the company's unappealing relocation package.

They still needed Gary there to help out temporarily though, so he went out for 8 days in May and again in June. They were hoping I would fall in love with the city and want to move there. Perhaps if Gary had had more free time for us to go exploring, I would have, but I doubt it. I like having mountains to hold the sky up (I'm convinced that's why it was so hot there) and the ocean near enough to visit on my lunch break. I did get to go to the KC Zoo though, twice! Here are the pictures- http://groups.msn.com/PaleSarahsPictures/kansascity.msnw.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer! I'm taking 2 classes this summer, but still have plenty of time to relax and enjoy- and that's all I really plan on doing this summer!

Polly Soberg

We missed having you here for July 4th! We did have a nice time the weekend before with family attending the pig roast. I don't think you would have wanted to be here for that but to us carnivores it was delicious.

Today I am home from work as I had another "dusting and cleaning" and histoscopy in day surgery yesterday. I thought I would just give myself one day to do something I like to do. I 've been out plodding through my flower gardens, putting more flowers in the window boxes and giving everything a good watering and feeding. So I had a good time today and will get back to work tomorrow.

Hope your summer is going well and you are enjoying the heat..

Missi Howlett

Jim just upgraded Dad from a 166 to I think a 500 or so. I think he's having fun on the faster model.

That's one of the problems with old computers and software. It just can't handle all the new software that comes out. And even worse, after awhile the company that made your present software will discontinue supporting it. Its their way of making you buy the newer stuff. I think the computer companies have a deal with the software companies. They make a bigger and better computer....and then the software company makes an even bigger and better software program. So once again the computer's resources are exhausted and the computer company has to make an even bigger and better computer......I see the pattern! No wonder they make so much money :) !

One thing to remember is that graphics files take up a lot of your computer's resources. I assume that the more technical you will wish to become (with graphics and web pages) the more resources you will need.

...I'm starting to sound like a geek :). Must be from living with one. You'd laugh at our setup...we have about six computers running at any given time. Both my computer and Jim's are dual monitor, so we REALLY look like geeks. Well good luck with the html. Let me know if you have any questions for the geek family.

Charles Frost

This digital photograph was sent using MGI PhotoSuite. Visit http://www.photosuite.com to learn more!

[Ed. Note: In the June-July issue, you read about Pam's great success when she exhibited her miniature house full of tiny ceramic items. Now we have a picture! Click here to view it.]

Meri Murdock

Ya gotta love this guy! Adrian Monk's brilliant, but miles from being perfect. He's an obsessive-compulsive, phobic mess. He was a cop when he was a well-adjusted man, but he was fired when he became neurotic after his wife was killed with a car bomb. Now he works with the police as a consultant.

The writing is wonderful: in the very first episode, Monk's climbing a ladder to chase a criminal who's up on a roof, and he is so scared of heights that halfway up he just clings to the ladder and the criminal climbs back down past him, saying "Excuse me."

At another point in the opening episode, he's being chased by a car and he can't run very fast because he has to touch and count each parking meter.

I can't wait for episode 2. [Ed. Note: She loved it and is now being very careful not to miss any episode.]

Lori Turner

I can't believe I have been in MN for 4 weeks already. I joined the gym so I get to continue my workouts. It is very nice driving only 7 minutes to work. I also got a second job which I will work several hours a week part time. I am working at the same kind of "lotion" store that I did in Idaho; they have stores all over in MN.

I am still adjusting a bit as I do miss my kids and grandson and friends in Idaho. My son graduated his boot camp last Thursday which was his 19th birthday. He will go to another training for 4 weeks and then get a 14 day leave which he will be going to Idaho to get in some hunting. He will be stationed in Everett, WA which is not that far and I am glad it was not someplace farther. He did pass the Navy Seal test but he has decided to change and go into firefighting in his next training class.

Darrel and I worked out at the gym. We do that on Saturdays together and I go several times during the week. I am looking for a inexpensive sewing machine since I didn't bring mine with me so that the ladies at my work can get me started on quilting. I only brought the things I needed for now and then when my house sells in Idaho I will go get the rest of my stuff. With only a 2 week notice of having to report to my job, I didn't have time to get all things ready.

Bill Hiscock

Each time one our son's children turns seven, they get to fly alone to visit Grammy and PopPop. This year it was Shannon's turn. She flew into Jacksonville on Saturday and we drove from Tallahassee to pick her up. When we arrived at the airport, we went straight to the ticket counter to find out how we would meet her in view of the current airport security situation. The attendant said that only one of us could go to the gate, and Sandra said that I should go. So the attendant turned to me and said, "What is the child's name?" I drew a complete blank! Nothing came to my mind except thoughts that they weren't going to let this little girl go with this so-and-so! But Sandra spoke up and said "Shannon Hiscock" and the day was saved!

When Shannon arrived, after letting her parents know that she was here safe and sound, we headed for Orlando and Walt Disney World! We spent all of Sunday at The Magic Kingdom, where a happy and fun time was had by all.

Then, on our way back to Tallahassee, we stopped at Homosassa Springs State Park. There we saw Manatees and heard a lecture on them, and Shannon got to feed them! And we visited the native Florida animal zoo at the Park. We had close encounters with alligators, a Florida panther, bobcats, a black bear and many, many varieties of Florida birds, such a Flamingos. And guess what! Shannon enjoyed Homosassa Springs much more than she did The Magic Kingdom! That was all she could talk about for the rest of the week.

And we spent the rest of the week going to Carrabelle Beach, Wakulla Springs State Park, and McClay State Gardens, were we swam and swam and swam, and the Panacea Feel and Touch Aquarium. Shannon was the best visitor we ever had. Not a sad or cross word was heard all week, and she never wanted anything that was too much for Grammy and PopPop.

It was hard to put Shannon back on the airplane, but they did let both of us go to board her. All in all a wonderful week was shared by all!

Polly Soberg

We are looking forward to the report on the West Coast Howlett reunion! Sorry we couldn't make it as it would have been nice meeting cousins from afar.

We haven't done much traveling this summer but have hopes of a few days away in the fall. Since Carl's trip to Norway in May his cousins have called several times just to chat. It's wonderful that they speak English as Carl doesn't know the Norwegian language. He discovered a wonderful family on his father's side that he didn't know existed until his cousin Arne Soberg called him from Norway.

This past weekend Carl and I went up to the White Mountains to visit Kevin, Lori and family who were camping there. It was a beautiful trip and we had a nice visit with Kevin, Lori, Lori's cousin and wife and another cousin. First thing I was invited to do was play Scrabble with the ladies. Guess what! I actually won. (But just because I went out first and added their holdings to my score) It was fun as we all played at pretty much the same level.

Rennie's wife Maria spent the week in New York tending to her ailing mother. Maybe you could say a prayer for Anna Santarelli and Domenic Santarelli as they are both battling cancer.

I believe all six of my grandchildren from NH and MA are all going back to school tomorrow. I wish them and all the children in the extended Muse family a happy and fruitful school year.

Sally Bacon

We went to Montana to Glacier National Park. We flew into Kalispell, MT, and stayed at the Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish and rented a car. (We made all reservations on Expedia.com and were very pleased with everything.) We had four full days to explore--we wished we had a few more.

We saw majestic mountains, and spectacular waterfalls, and beautiful wild flowers, and ferocious wild life and awesome trees and raging rivers - all that were unbelievable. I took over 200 pictures! We only walked 5 or 6 trails because of my ankle, but the real beauty of the park is off the road.

One day we went white water rafting--that was a blast!! The day before we left we walked the Baring Falls trail and I finished up my Smartmedia card taking pictures of the waterfall. On the hike back to the car we met a big black bear on the trail! It was about 50 feet in front of us. We both froze! I was so mad I didn't have anymore pictures left on my digital camera! I imagine the bear had just been down to the river for his breakfast because he took one look at us and went on his merry way! As soon as I was sure he wasn't going to eat us for breakfast, I took off running! I haven't run since 1993 before I broke my leg! Ernie couldn't keep up with me!

On my birthday, the hotel staff brought me a bottle of champagne! That was the day we saw the bear, so we opened it and toasted health and happiness and life in general!

On our flight home, our plane was struck by lightening! That was amazing too!

Nancy Murdock

We had a good time away
With someone different each day
We drove a lot it seemed
But it was better than we dreamed

Looking back at the week
I see us taking a peek
At roadrunner, ground squirrel and jay
And family party on Saturday

Ian moaned cuz he's 40
Past the time to be naughty
Becky's birthday forty-two
Was reason for BD cards too
With Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit
We nibbled on cheese and fruit
Taxing our brains to the max
With occasional times to relax

Now Meri has hair of red
The first time ever, she said
The twenty pounds Becky has shed
Landed on me instead

Lots of cousins at the "do"
Everyone saying glad to see you
Some age ninety or more
And others of 80s galore

It's a long lived family we think
And sooner than a quick little wink
We'll be testing if life is a stage
Where I can reach that grand age

With family, museums and park
It was all a wonderful lark
Many thanks to you
Who made it great for us two

--August 2002

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