Muse Web Pages for Ona Charlton Fellows Charlton Reunion, May 27, 2002 Donna and Chris Estep Home, Jacksonville, VT
This picture of the group was taken by Nancy Murdock, Bob's wife.
Rear, from left: Margery Aukstikalnis, Robin and Peter Charlton, Penny Carter, Judi Patrick, Tom and Nancy Charlton, Joy Anthony, Donna Estep, Priscilla and Roy Januskiewicz, Jack Aukstikalnis
Front: Bob Murdock, Ike Carter, Malcolm Charlton, Ona Fellows, Dotty Salminen, Jamin Estep, Gene Murdock, Chris Estep
Not pictured: Nancy Murdock, photographer; Paula Jones, Jamin's friend; Jake Patrick, working today.
[For a full listing of the attendees, click here].