Howlett Reunion - July 3, 2004
at the home of John and Cathy Howlett, Chichester, NH
John and Cathy Howlett, hosts
* Lori Howlett - Norwood, MA
* * Amanda, Alyssa, Patrick, Kayleigh, Nicolas
* Sean and Kris Howlett - Chichester, NH
* * Tommy
Nancy (Howlett) and Bob Murdock - Baltimore, MD
Polly (Howlett) and Carl Soberg - Webster, NH
* Warren III "Rennie" Leary and Dianna Quimby - Penacook, NH
* * Warren IV "Buddy", Matthew
Warren Jr. and Nancy Leary - Alton, NH
Doug and Carol Howlett - Hudson, MA
Rob Howlett - Medway, Mass.
Clyde Howlett - Webster, NH
Riley, mostly Beagle, 10 years old
* * * * * * * Cathy Howlett's Family * * * * * * *
Frances (Cathy's sister) and Bob Gill - Berlin, MA
Marge Mackesy, Cathy's sister - Boylston, MA
* Tom Mackesy - Ringe, NH
* John and Lisa Mackesy - Maynard, MA
* * Jessica, Tommy
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