Don't you just love these kinds of candid shots? Dan Jutkiewicz '70 hanging onto that prize-winning chair to the bitter end & standing smack dab in front of Manny Monserrate '70, Larry Goldsholl '70 who appears to be enjoying himself, Frank D'Alessandro's '70 prize-winning profile completely blocking a view of Glen Moll '70 (maybe.. i think..) & Gene Lipinski '70 with a good portion of his left side removed. |
Donna Gorga & Sandi D'Alessandro waiting patiently for the group alumni photo session to be over & secretly fearing that Joe & Frank could be so caught up in the moment that they might be enticed into 'just one game' with Diane, Patti & Danny. |
Lydia Mulle Church '66 (ain't she a cutie-pie?) & Karen Sherman Merritt '70.. & by posting this picture on the www, I dare anyone to question my courage! .. oh.. & that's Phil Garafano '66.. apparently sniffing Lydia's hair? |
Another picture of Lydia Mulle Church '66 with Diane Vita Ribustello '70 & Ray Radleigh.. husband of Sue Betz Radleigh '70.. Lydia & Ray worked together at the Paramus Post Office & they used to sing together.. it IS a small world after all. As you can see, Diane was trying really hard all evening to re-live those SBHS parking lot days.. only this time she wouldn't have to drive to The Marriott to use the facilities.. relief was just down the hall. |
If you squint really hard, you might just make out Frank Hemming '70, Joan Mingle Hemming '70 & Ted Molitoris '70 in the background.. but hey, wait just a doggone minute.. what's with all of the empty chairs in the foreground? WHERE IS EVERYBODY?¿? |