The first attempt at a Class of '70 group photo.. as you can see no one was ready.. not even the photographer.

Now at first glance this Class of '66 group photo may seem to be a better shot than the one on the first page.. you can see everybody, right? Wrong! Frank Barbetta was mia.. & he still hasn't owned up to where he was.. hmm, again.. another Frank to keep an eye on.

One of the highlights of the evening was an impromptu "Tribute to The Temptations" performed by the guys of '69.. Pete Kopec, Tom Ribustello, Bob Wilson, John Marcionetti & Frank Kasetta.

Having failed earlier in the evening to recruit anyone (with the exception of Diane & Patti) for musical chairs, Dan Jutkewicz '70 attempts to persuade Bill McLean '70 that a Charleston contest would be a really good idea.. umm.. Dan.. I don't think Bill's buyin' it.

And what would a photo album be without a picture of someone taking a picture of something? If you can make out the face on his nametag, you'll recognize the fearless photographer is none other than our own Dave Shaw '70.

You'd better believe you're lookin' at two happy campers! Diane Vita Ribustello '70 & Karen Sherman Merritt '70

photos courtesy of

Bill McLean '70, Lydia Mulle Church '66, Diane Vita Ribustello '70