30th Reunion

My wife and I had a wonderful time. Except for that ugly bottle throwing, fistfight incident in the hallway it was a perfect evening. Can't wait to do it again!
· Pete & Karen Kopec '69

Hearing familiar voices, seeing friends from the past brought a nostalgic feeling to the evening, I never thought I would miss SBHS and the class of 1966 as much as I do.
· Bill Cea '66

a stroll down memory lane with the best of friends. i couldn't be luckier. keep the faith!!!
· Jim Wilson '70

The reunion was the best. I haven't laughed so hard in years. It was wonderful that we all bonded after so many years or what "clique" we were in in high school. You all did a terrific job putting everything together. I sure appreciate our class of 1966 being included. Thanks again for all your hard work.
· Robin Burrows Vera '66

Thanks for a great reunion. It reminded me of the high school dances where people ended up in the parking lot rather than the school gym. At the reunion, it didn't take long before people were out in the hallway talking. Some things never change! Do you think the booze in the hallway was the attraction? Frank and I had a nice time. We really appreciate all the work that you and Diane did. Thanks again.
· Adele Caramico Fondo '70

The most special part of the evening was rekindling the warmth of my friendships with the most wonderful people I have known.
· Diane Vita Ribustello '70

I have many nice thoughts about the evening...but something sticks in my mind. I taught my 9yr. old the old Girl Scout song .... Make new friends but keep the old, One is silver, the other one gold. That evening, I thought of that as I saw some people I never thought I would see again, and I found that those friendships and the feelings I had for them were well intact. For me, that was so darn wonderful... I guess this was more than a sentence but it came from the heart..
· Lynda White Farah '66

Thank You Thank You Thank You. I had such a great time. I want you to know I loved eating the cookies, and made a pig out of myself, the scale said so this am.  What memories of those cookies. We didn't get a  chance to talk, having so much fun, but if you get to FL please look me up. I just e-mailed Diane Vita and told her the same... You guys should come down for a visit. As you know 8 people from our class live in FL, some on the West Coast, Fox, Adele & Frank, Jimmy Wilson, Thank you so much for all your hard work, and efforts.... love ya,
· Tonine Garberino '70

Dear Karen, Diane and Joan, Many thanks and kudos for putting together another wonderful event and keeping the memories of high school days alive. I count myself very fortunate indeed to have three such dedicated and generous friends. It was great to see you all and to know that life is treating you great! Should you require the help, keep me in mind when it comes time to prepare for the next reunion. Warmest Regards, Always...
· Alan Metzler '70

Time just flew talking, laughing and reminiscing with everyone. Like that old saying...make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold! The friendships formed in 1970 are certainly "golden" when you consider that after 30 years everyone still cares enough to want to get together and has a great time doing it!
· Lynn Blanos Reich '70

I know you wanted a one line blurb about the evening, but there's no way that can be done. It was the best!!! You guys did an unbelievable job in putting it together!!! From start to finish it was a great time. I just wish it didn't go so fast. The time just blew by. Maybe next time we should have a reunion weekend. The pictures you took and put on the site are fabulous, and I love the comments (you guys might have a future in comedy writing). I've already received some e-mails from some of our classmates, and I'm sure this is the beginning of some renewed friendships.You all should be proud that the extremely hard work and hours you put in was much appreciated. Keep the site happening, and thanks for making it happen! Please pass on my thanks to your partners. All the best,
· Danny Jutkiewicz '70

We had a wonderful time, thank you for including us.
· Charlie Farinella '66 & Debbie DeVries Farinella '67

How could one not have a great time! We had a special class and it showed with how close everyone felt when they saw each other. I went camping on an island in lake george this week.  we took the boat out for a ride around the lake...when we got back...a lady from another campsite handed me a note...it was from danny jutkiewicz! Anyway...look forward to helping you organize the next reunion....at least i want to if i don't have to travel so much. Hope we can reach out to more people and get them to come. Thanks for all of your hard work....hope to see more pictures on the web soon. rgds,
· Dave Shaw '70

Dear Karen: I really enjoyed our Reunion, and I can only imagine all the hard work you put into making this reunion happen. I get so few opportunities to see my old (old?) friends, so this night was truly special for me. Sincere thanks for all your efforts. Love to you,
· Manny Monserrate '70

Karen, I just had the chance to look at the photos from the reunion and I'm even more upset that I had to miss it. It really looks like you all had a great time. I'm envious. Maybe we can have another one in 5 years. Are you going to post a list of all the people that attended, hopefully with e mail addresses? I'd love to get in touch with some of the people. You and Diane really did a great job of organizing the event! Take care.
· Tony Grzymkowski '70

· Glen Moll '70

I've travelled many places and have photographed as many faces-but none as beautiful as those of my friends from the place I call home. Thank you for the opportunity to share our lives again. I'm so proud of the people we've all become.
· Ellen Denuto '70

I think something is happening here...This 'cluster reunion' thing. My wife has said to me many times over the years that I'm snobbish about being from SB. About an hour into the reunion last week, she turned to me and said, "You're all like that. You all think that you're 'something special' because you grew up in SB." In my heart, I guess it's true. I've lived all over the country. But till the day I die, I'll carry memories of Saddle Brook with me. I have a dream...that several of us work together, behind the scenes, to have a 'cluster reunion' every year from now on. It didn't make me feel older, it made me feel young again (when nothing was impossible). I liked that feeling, and I want it again and again.
· thoughts from one who just discovered he IS a 'rah-rah' a/k/a Pete Kopec '69