35th Reunion  Nice job! Well I had a lot of fun, I assume I was a little obnoxious but it was not intended. So what happened after we left? Or what happens in Saddle Brook stays in Saddle Brook?
· John Cerutti '70
What a wonderful evening! It was a dream come true seeing you all after 39 years. Barbara and I enjoyed talking to you, and some of the things that were remembered, I forgot. Lots of laughs and a fun evening to boot. It will not be forgotten. Thank you so much, we love you guys. Let's stay in touch.
· Ernie & Barbara Mendillo - Cambridge
Thanks a million! I am sitting at my desk in the office listening to this fab cd and flashing back. I had a chance to look at the directory you put together for us and have already begun planning who I will contact. Just want to say again how awesome everything was. Thanks for making another very special night. Let me know when you want to get together with Ms. Lomangino. L&K
· Julie Moscatello '70
We had a great time on Saturday, Hope we can get together in another 5 yrs, Sorry I couldn't make the brunch. Hope it was good. Diane, Joan and you did a great job. If I see or hear from people that didn't attend or can't be reached, I'll let them know about the site. Thanks.
· Stephen Retkwa '70
Karen, Joan, Diane - Thanks for all your efforts for this wonderful night. I had a great time reconnecting with so many people. I hope it doesn't take another 36 years for the class of '69 to get its act together and have our own party! Thanks again,
· Lois VanHouten Pencinger '69
Frank and I had a great time at the reunion as well as everyone else. The CD is great! You need to rest now and take care of yourself. A Florida vacation is always open to you! Thanks for all your hard work!
· Adele Caramico Fondo '70
Thank you for the update. Glad it was a success and sorry I missed it. I do appreciate all the websites that were embedded in your email and immediately jumped to them to update myself! You're a gem for compiling all that info, whomever did it all! I appreciate it!
· Eileen Hanna Westveer '70
Hi Karen Recouped yet? First: A very Big Thank you, to you, Diane and Joan for all the hard work that you put into producing "THE BEST REUNION". Who said: "You can never go home again" BS We all had the chance to go back. It was a fabulous, wonderful, fun filled weekend, with many new memories to last for many years to come. It was especially great to see some of our class-mates that came to the reunion for the first time. You Gals did a GREAT Job!!! John and I have downloaded about 140 pics on CD's. You'll have to weed out some of the bad ones. I'll put them in the mail to you tomorrow. Thank you again!
· Patti O'Dea Kackos '70
Karen- I just had to tell you how wonderful the whole event was. You guys really outdid yourselves. Everything was terrific and I had the CD playing all day. It was so good to see everyone and as the years pass it just seems to mean more to me than the last time. Thank you for doing this---------and now I want you to take some time to come down and just relax/ rest for a couple of days. No is not an option.
· Frank Fondo '70
Karen- I returned home on Tuesday night very saddened* but after looking at your web page, I felt a lot better. Looking forward to viewing all the pictures. Thank you for you p.s. note and your kindness to visit with us on Sunday. Please thank Diane for me you guys are the best. I will be coming up much more often from now on. I would love to get together and have dinner with you guys. I will let you know when the next visit will be. Please know if you are ever in Fl or need to get away feel free to come stay at the house here. Tell Diane the same. Take good care I will keep in touch. Thank You again,
· Tonine Garberino '70
* Tonine's dad, Charles F. Garberino, passed away unexpectedly on Friday - 8/5/05. †
Karen, it was a great evening. My thanks to you, Diane, Joan, and Frank for doing a great job. I had a total blast...my first time back at one...and intend not to miss anymore. My wife, Linda, was made to feel welcomed by all, and she had a great time...she had to...to keep her up till 2:00 am is a major undertaking. Everything was perfect. I hope Howie is not needing psychotherapy sessions after housing me for a week. I really love you guys and as the years fly by...it means even more. Love ya,
· Gary Basilo '70 ...oh yeah, next time if we are at Howie's afterwards...I will be awake...not blasted out of my brains.
You all did a wonderful job on the 35th reunion. A lot of work goes into an event like this and it showed. On behalf of Steve and myself, we had a very nice evening and were sorry we could not join you for brunch.
· Steve & Andrea Rickett '70
Hi Diane and Karen, It's been longer than I had planned, but I wanted to thank you both for all you did to bring some old friends together at the reunion. I have worked on reunion committees in the past, and I know it is no easy task! It is time-consuming and it can be intense. Well, the location was perfect, the food was excellent (oh, those chocolate peanut butter cookies!!!) and the company was, of course, great fun. The little remembrances you included in the goody bag were great, too. Once again, thank you for dedication to the project. You were fantastic, and you are much appreciated! Blessings,
· Donna Nardino Bolster '69
Karen what a blast!!! I thought everyone looked great. Now Manny thats another story it must be the fresh air. I was glad to see with the sea of grey that I'm not the only one aging gracefully. From riding around the hood to seeing Basilo drunk again was too much fun. I look forward to seeing you all again. To my dead beat class if you read this lets get something going I'd be glad to help.
· Doug Bowie '69
Once again, thanks for the great reunion - everything was great. I have some pictures - do you want them to be a certain size? If they do need to be resized let me know and I'll save you some time. Take Care,
· Larry Goldsholl '70
Thank you very much for all the hard work & time you put into making our "35th" class reunion so much fun. It was so good to see familiar faces & find out what is going on in their lives. As soon as I get my son back off to school I'll be back on the computer. I'll e-mail you when this occurs. Thank you again—you did a great job. Love,
· Michele Mayurnik D'Alessandro '70 P.S. The favors were great!
Hi, Diane and Karen: Thank you so much for tracking us down and for making me feel so welcome at the reunion. You ladies did a wonderful job and left no stone unturned. It was terrific to see everyone and even better to see that you have stayed close friends. Since this was my last visit with my mother in our SB house, the reunion helped cement the connection and remind me that home is always home, even when addresses change. Again, you did an amazing job and I know everyone was as impressed. Take care, keep in touch if you can, and God Bless. Sincerely,
· Rose Ann Presti Eriov '71
Dear Karen, Thank you very much for the package you sent me from the reunion. It was really appreciated (The cd is pretty lame, but what the hell). I hope you and all yours are happy, healthy & wise. Love, Peace and may the Good Lord bless and protect you all
· Bob Noffke '70
Hi guys, I just wanted to thank you for the great package you guys made up for the reunion, my kids love it!!! Emily keeps saying I know that one! Ma that was an old song!!!! yeah, yeah yeah!!! anyway thanks again!! and I'm so glad you told me to go to Howies' house!!! It was great to see them, and I had a chance to see the pictures Ellen took, so I felt like I was almost at the reunion!! thanks again and keep in touch. love,
· Diane Salerno Papamarkos '70
Hi Everybody, I just wanted to let everyone know it was really great to see and talk to everyone. I had an excellent time and there didn't seem to be enough time in one evening for all the fun. A lot of laughs and great conversations.It was everything I expected and much more. Steve R. you had me in stiches.!!! To my homeroom friends it was great!!!! talking to you. I cannot wait to do this again. I wish I could have made it to Howie's but time was limited. To anyone I came in touch with on this evening I just want to say again it was great to see you and be with you.What a treat, and what a great way to spend an evening. And to the reunion committee and anyone who helped, what a great job.!!!!!!!! It didn't take me to long to write this did it? Take Care,
· Mel (Tom) Malenofsky '70 |