Receding Surf

Turned away to hardest stone
Left on the beach, all alone
Another of life's promises end
Cast to sky, on which I depend

Cast to the nightly sky as if rehearsed
Mind pretends that it can be reversed
Reality wets the silkiness of clothes
Sand is stuck in clumps between my toes

Digging for an element of hope
Finding only another length of rope
Seashells tell me it is time to go
Tears slowly ebb and start to flow

Did you say you wanted more?
Far away, not on this shore?
I thought I was the ocean in your eyes
What a wave of disappointed surprise!

Not the place to leave me in the sand
I wanted you to sit and hold my hand
Not coming back to sip the wine?
Turn the page~you know I will be fine

My voice cries into dark night
The sands know~ this is not right
Then the sky breaks and the stars fall
You have lost me once and for all

original poetry by Susan M Klein
Photography from St Thomas, US Virgin Islands
by SMK and PaintShopPro