Beach Towel

Caught by wind's arms stretched
Flashing colors warm and bright
Wrapped 'round body tight

Pressed to softer sand
Soaking up sea-trickled spills
Body to feel thrills

Beach towel blanket love
As the warm sun starts to set
Sands dewy and wet

Tossed and scattered drape
Colors fade to barest skin
Love-wrapped once again

Beach towel set aside
Sweeping rush of salty foam
Passions set to roam

Caught by wind's arms stretched
Love spills onto soft warm dune
Leaves heart with love's tune

About this SMKlein original poetry
This follows a 5/7/5 syllable form
only for uniformity and pattern, it is
not meant as Haiku. The crafting of this piece
was not to use a single pronoun, written in 2008

About the artwork on this page:
First picture is a Giclee print by Lika
Second print is from the archives of
Life Magazine by Leonard Mccomb
Third print is by John Babagan, from
Cook's Island.All prints available on