I really don't know why, or when I became fond of "Pig Whimsical's", but apparently fond of them I have become.On the following page: "Pigs Row :8)" you will find a few examples of some of the pig pictures that I have collected.
Before we go any further, I feel it would be in keeping with most Homepage Builders to install a little personal data.I therefore have a few "pics" of me, and my love interest to show you. Please indulge me in this self flattery.
First you'll see The Pyg , and as promised,Pyg's Love Interest.
"Tuffer" is a Dandy Dinmont Cairn Terrier, and I love him dearly,He is my companion and confidant.This is how "Tuffy" should look when he is clean and groomed."Tuffer". In this last "pic", "Tuffy" is asking to go for"Walkies", his favorite pastime.
"TUFFER'S NOTE:To those of you who belong to the animal world, and their owners, I invite you to use my (Add your Link) links. Here you can leave your Paw Prints, Hoof Tracks, Bird Scratchings, and Handsome/Beautiful Pictures. Just Click on: Add your Link, on my Pigs 'n Poets page, and fill in the form, select Pets as the "Catagory" that you want to use. It's easy, you and your owners can leave your (Bragging Rights) right there for everyone to visit.With all the personal "stuff" behind us, lets continue on to "Pigs Row" and then, on to "Pigs "n" Poets". Thank You very much, please enjoy your visit.AaaarrrrrrOoooooo, I would luv it.
Your Buddy: TUFFER.
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