Garden yields of Carrots, Radishes, Tomatoes,
Melons, Berries and many more,
leave their fertile ground, and rooted vine,
to be devoured while the heart beats at a fast pace,
and boastful tales of near capture take place.
Hands shake and voices quiver in whispering tones,
as nervous giggles of false valor are told.
Barbed wire wounds, and Briar-Patch Scratches,
are treasures for the bold.
As evening passes into morn,
and the sun rises over natures yield,
the youngster dreams of nights before,
and those yet to come,
with secret forays to Neighbors' Gardens,
where the edible prizes are from.
Upon wakening the youngster views his Prize Garden
from a bedroom window up high,
and woefully notices, with a frown,
that several rows are shy.