I'm sure most everyone at one time or another has experienced this horrifying feeling.
I look back now, and laugh at myself, but at the age of fourteen and all alone on a dark night it was all too real.

Fourteen and alone on a darkened night
by himself, nervous- but alert to the slightest sound.
He could hear the wind outside his window shut so tight,
and the scrapings of tree limbs across shingles,
that made his heart pound.
He wasn't really frightened in the comfort of his house.
He would sit, watching TV, quietly as a mouse.
"THUD", was the sound that brought him to his feet,
and his startled heart skipped a beat!
As if on the "stalk", and crouching ever so low,
he inches his way stealthily through the kitchen to see
where the sound came from as he advances very slow, and wondering what-ever that sound could be.
Stopping in the silence while on hand and knee,
hoping, whatever made the sound could not see,
as he warily continued to investigate the dimly lit room.
Crawling so very carefully, and keeping low to the floor
through the Utility Room, toward the suspicious dark paned door,
He listens intently for further sound, straining in the hush,
but the pounding in his ears is deafening, as blood from widening arteries does rush.
Now,ever so carefully, he presses flat against the door,
as his heart pounds with a quickened beat.

To see through the pane, what horror awaits;
With lightning like speed he leaps to his feet.
Peering through the glass is a most horrible sight!
With a sucked in sound of "HUH"
and his heart violently pounding within his chest,
he valiantly struggles for control with all of his might.
Collapsing to the floor dish-rag limp,
his mind reeling-then came the smile of an imp;
he recognized that monstrous face you see,
from his own mirrored image, quite embarrassingly.
©Lonnie D. Chevrie Sr.
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