Falling in love at first sight doesn't happen to everyone.
To those that this phenomenon does strike, it can be immobilizing.

The only thing that the stricken person can do is to become enraptured
and let this loving feeling permeate the soul,
as desire races unharnessed straight to the heart.


Oh,look at you!
My heart tells me what my eyes fail to see;
a capture of love in the making.

My rapid pulse, and wildly beating heart,
sound the report.

Speech fails me, as an arid wave grips my throat and chokes off any words to be uttered.

Only a cool drink from your soul
will sooth my parched being.

Desire rips deep as
wanton rage cries for control.
Oh, how my heart aches for your approval.

Your eyes burn deep into my soul and
I am cloaked in your warmth.

Overwhelming emotion
floods the gates
protecting my sanity.

I am yours forever.

©Lonnie D. Chevrie Sr.

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