This writing came about 5 years after the death of my Wife. I was having flashbacks, and feeling quite down and lonely. I felt moved to put something down on paper that others who have preceeded me and those that will undoubtedly follow me in the loss of a loved one could relate to. Knowing that you are not alone in your thoughts and feelings of loneliness just seems to bring some relief and helps lift that shroud of depression.
Kneel me down,
upon her comforter of grass,
open my heart and undo the clasp.
Let emptiness feel fulfillment
as her memory permeates my soul.
Give me relief from the years
I've known un-whole.
Wipe my brow with the soft flutter
from the wing of a dove.
Dry my tears with a warm spring breeze
and restore my love.
Lift me up: To your angel,
I give my hand.
Heal this broken heart so it
can feel again.
©Lonnie D. Chevrie Sr.
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