During that time it was all fun and games to me, and lessons to be learned never entered my head.
The Bonding, and learned lessons however impacted me heavily, and although he isn't here anymore, I now understand, and know in my heart why I loved him, and still do love him so very very much.
He motions for me to stand still, and be steady.
The bolting Hare takes flight, and Dad laughingly criticizes my sight.
"Son", he says, "You have to look if you are to see", as he points out so wisely to me,
but try as I might, I had yet to master the sight.
I also remember being with Dad at the Lake
out in the boat on the hottest of summer days.
He would sit motionless hour upon hour watching,
and waiting for the cork to make the slightest jiggle.
I knew full well, that although
my slight body ached, my throat was dry,
my stomach rumbled, and
my patience had long since waned,
that I had best not wiggle.
That, would draw the coldest steely-eyed look, and told me to
quiet my soul.
Though hard taught, I learned there are times
to take time and look,
and times to maintain control.
I loved my Dad, and when I remember those lessons past,
which by far were not all,
I know why I still hold his memory in awe.