Jerry and Harry were golf "buddies". They spent as much time golfing together as possible.
Jerry's wife asked her husband one day, "Honey, why do you enjoy golfing so much?"
Jerry replied, "Well baby it's like this, golfing affords me an opportunity to breathe good clean fresh air, it gives me the exercise I need to stay fit, it is such a relaxing sport, it allows me to think freely, putting aside the daily stresses of my job, it calms my soul."
The next morning Jerry got up at the crack of dawn, breakfasted with his dearly beloved and understanding wife, and prepared himself for the ritual game of golf with his friend Harry.
After finishing off his last sip of coffee and kissing "wifey" good-bye, off he goes.
Comes early afternoon, the sun is beating down fiercely, and the temperature is a sweltering 105°F. Bursting through the front door Jerry appears; hair dishevelled, face dirty, glasses hanging off his nose, eyes glazed over, sweating profusely and panting, his shirt is dirty, shirt tail is out of his trousers, buttons torn off his shirt, collar torn, and golf clubs are upside down in the golf bag.
"My gosh!", exclaims his wife, "What happened to you? You look as if you've been through a cyclone. I thought you said golf is such a relaxing sport."
"Well baby", Jerry coughed, panted and wheezed, "it is, and everything was just going great. Me and Harry had just arrived at the first tee as the sun was coming up. Then all of a sudden Harry grabbed his chest, gasped one long breath and dropped over dead from a massive heart attack right there in front of my eyes.

After that, it was hit a ball----drag Harry, hit a ball---drag Harry, hit a ball"-----
Lonnie D. Chevrie Sr 03-27-01
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