This poem is dedicated to my "First Love" Carole.
A fountain of youth bubbles,
and churns in my minds eye.
Remembrances overflow forming rills,
flowing with fond recall of youth gone by.
Oh! I can see her youthful beauty in full array,
as she smilingly waits and beckons me to say,
Words that stir a woman's soul,
that makes her complete,
that makes her whole.
I Love You Darling,
in each and every way.
I Love You Darling
forever, and then a day.
I Love You Darling,
is my hearts soulful pledge.
And I will always Love You Darling,
right up to eternitie's furthest edge.
Love Lonnie
©Lonnie D. Chevrie
My "First Love", Carole reponds to "A Promise of Love".

I Return Your Love My Darling
in each and every way.
I Return Your Love My Darling
forever, and then a day.
So Come To Me My Darling,
help me fulfill the pledge
we made so many years ago:
That dreams shared for eternity,
would be our promised goal.
I Adore you
My Sweet Lonnie
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