The following page was originally designed and formatted by the late Art Camm. He was one of our finest WebTV webmasters, always willing to help. We still miss him very much. Out of respect, I've sourced Mr. Camm's original HTML and kept the formatting very much intact
Two codes are said to work with the 2.6 upgrade, one of which, involving an "object" tag, will work with the present WebTV 2.5 and 2.5.5 configurations. There are two of these and both are given here. Any one code is placed directly in the Signature box. The short version is said to be slightly less reliable than the long version.
JavaScript "Bug Killer" (By Wes Reins)
JavaScript "Bug Killer" codes are unabled by WNI soon after they are found. Such a code is intended to reload the page whenever the "bug bites". It is placed in the body section after the page title where a "Bug Alert" is situated. This is the most recent attempt used by Minimoo. Server Side Include (SSI) must be enabled on the server where the page is located.
Variations on <clock> (Discovered by Paul Erickson)
Place this code on a page or in an e-mail Signature to see the distinctions. No punctuation can be made within a tag, only between them. Format any date or time unit as desired adding or deleting them within an appropriate clock tag. Use as many clock tags as may be necessary for the desired format.
Image Above e-Mail Areas
codes shown are illustrated as for an image tag. A choice must be made regarding placement: left, center, or right. There is actually no restriction as to content, i.e., any HTML code can be placed where the IMG is in these codes. The code may be placed anywhere at the end of the HTML signature code, and even after the closing HTML tag. The message must be sent to see the effect. Send to yourself as a test. Will not work in posts.
Gradcolor Background
Gradangle can go from 0 to 360 or from 0 to -360. If transparency is used, choose a bgcolor in the body tag that will "show through", and compliment the gradcolors in the table tag. HTML e-mail and pages only.
Mix-n-Match Stacked Backgrounds (By ct-paso)
Stack background colors. Put this code in the Signature box or message area as HTML e-mail. It's just c/c/p while changing the bgcolor and text color. Only works for e-mail.
CSS Sidebar
This code is usually positioned between head and body tags, though with e-mail it can be placed after the body tag. Replace the images, change color, or use gradcolors as desired, Use an animated transparent .gif or one that is animated yet having no image and transparent to obtain a fade effect on the sidebar. The use of a transparency attribute in a table tag seems to stabilize positioning.
C/C/P Text Enlarger
Placed in Signature. Will generate a textarea into which an e-mail message can be c/c/p'd. The message will then be displayed as font size 7 and the textarea will grow to fit its length.
Voice Synthesizer (From Bell Labs)
Mailer (with Attachment) (NG Post by Opti-Mod)
Upon clicking the viewer is brought to their own e-mail message area: yourNic and address will be in the TO section; the Subject line will be filled in; a short message will be in the body; a URL will be an attachment, and what is entered for the URL page title will be a clickable link. The viewer's Signature will not be attached. Works for retrograded and upgraded units. in e-mail and on a page.
e-Mail Bounce
These can be placed in the e-mail message area before being sent to one's self They can also be blocked as shown. Not easily blocked is a procedure and not a code: In message area enter Return twice, then any alt-character that can be seen. Hit cmd-a, then cmd-c (or -x). In cleared Subject area enter cmd-v. Address TO self and Send.
Clickable Table or Cell (WebTV-Only)
Equal Left & Right or Top & Bottom Page Margins
These are set using body attributes. The sample code sets a 100 pixel margin top and bottom and a 50 pixel margin left and right for text on a page
Page Sidebar
Sidebars on a page require the use of tables. Pixel widths must be used. To get a scrolling main page, start the coding with </table>.
Favorites Image and Title
Identifying a page when saved to Favorites has two parts: in the head a title, and in the body tag a logo attribute specifying an image URL.
Linking to Line on a Page
Scrolling Background
This effect does not work in e-mail, will slow or stop animation on the page, and will slow operation from the keyboard. x+ is left-to-right; y+ is top-to-bottom. x- and y- reverses direction. # and ## are values 1, 2, 3, ..., with the higher values giving faster scrolls. When both x and y are included the scroll is on a diagonal.
Music On-Off Button
Replace the text color in the button code if desired. Works on pages as well.
Meta Tag Redirect (Page Site Change)
Place this code in the head (Heading area for PB) section.
Meta Tag No-Cache
Place this code in the head (Heading area for PB) section. Provides the viewer the most recently updated version of the page.
Page Reload
Supply text/image or use a form button.
Back a Page
Supply text/image or use a form button.
Multiple Songs on a Page
Use one meta tag in the head (Heading area for PB) for each ensuing song. Measure the number of seconds for each song and add this to the number in the content attribute for the following meta tag. The actual time is usually longer than that time entered due to file loading. Preloading song files makes the actual time nearer to this value.
Frames construct: 3 separate pages are needed, each with a name ending in .html. First Page (frameset): This names the site and brings in the other, the main, page. Second Page (frame): This contains the site content. Third Page (frame): This has only the music tag. The page itself is given the ending .html
Break Out of Frames
This is placed on each page but the 1st loaded into a frame. The alternative was found by Tyhart and is WebTV only (upgraded units).
Page Source Block
To prevent viewing any directory and hence access to its content, make a page in that directory with or without words to the effect, "Sorry. Private." and name that page "index.html". To block sourcing of any page in a directory: CAUTION - If you do this in the main directory it will block sourcing or transloading of all pages in the directory by everyone, and may lock you out of your own file manager. Use only to block sourcing of pages in a subdirectory. It will enable WebTV users to see pages in the subdirectory but not source them. PC users will not see any of the pages in the subdirectory. Start with a completely blank edit page, and DO NOT add tags or text. Only use the text shown in the window below. Place it in the absolute upper left of the edit page exactly as shown.
Clear Cache (By limdog)
The 2.5 upgrade brought with it the unabling of some ways to clear cache. This code seems to still work, but may not for all unit types. Only the 12 URLs in Recents are cleared, not the entire cache. Switch users or power-off for 10 minutes to fully clear cache.
Scrapbook Uploader
Image W x H Analyzer (ArtC's modified Hyest script)
For proper use, count the number of images on the page, starting with 0, that appear before use of this code. If none, make ## in the code 0. Otherwise, add 1 and use that value.
Page and Link Colors
Scrolling Text on Page
This scrolls text on a page only from the bottom to the top. Making values of dif lower or higher than 10, but not negative, can control the speed. Increasing the value 250 (which is in msec) in setTimeout will also slow the speed (1 sec=1000 msec),
Scrolling Status Bar Message
Rotating Banner
Change nsec=3 to change the number of seconds to show a banner. Make sure the 1st banner URL in the Array is the same as the URL in the img tag.. Add or delete URLs as desired, taking care that they are entered between quotes and are separated by a comma as is shown.
Auto-Redirect Drop-Down
Random Midi
Add or delete URLs taking care that each is within quotes and they are separated by a comma, with no other spaces.
Local Time in Status Bar (By TCTech)
Countdown to a Day
Change the date for Christmas to the date desired. Careful if the count is for other than the current year. Follow comment on code if so. Modify font size or color as desired.
Form Button Word Change
May be used in input type=button, submit, or reset form tags.
Image Mouseover Link (Preloaded)
Name images as .NAME_on.gif for mouse on image and .NAME.gif for mouse off image. Replicate the preload code but changing only the number 1 and NAME for each additional mouseover. Replace the relative URLs with full URLs if desired. The image tag will access the appropriate Mouseover according to NAME in the onMouseover and onMouseout attribute. There must be a link to come to or go from to see the effect.
Sound Mouseover Link (Preloaded)
Two alternatives are given in the code. Note: Each new pair of sounds will require a pair of preload embeds and a pair of on-off functions.
Supply text/image or use a form button. Note: Does not replace cmd-r for the WebTV JavaScript "Bug".
Back a Page
Supply text/image or use a form button.
Basic HTML/JS Test Bed (Script by RWedge)
Typewriter or Marquee Effect
Two effects, typewriter text or marquee text, can be obtained. To have a typewriter effect set go="" (note - no space in "") and make use of a textarea field; for the marquee-like effect set go=" " (note - space in " ") and make use of an input-text field. Take care with the latter. The marquee effect, going right-to-left, upon reaching the end of the input-text field will end the typewriter effect going left-to-right unless the message length is carefully chosen to match the size of the text field.
Multiple Songs on Page
Time in setTimeout is in millisec (1 sec = 1000 sec). Add the time to play to the time for all songs previous.
On/Off Radio/Checkbox Button Switch
A WebTV Only Button. Switch "on" variable value is "0" (swich=0); switch "off" the value is "1". Without the on/off attributes the code is the same as for radio buttons.
Password (Low Security)
Place yourPassword between the quotes as shown. Low security as on sourcing the viewer can get the password.
Hello & Good-Bye Page Pop-Ups
Keyboard "Find" Window Message
"Implant" a message in the pop-up gained on hitting the Find key on the keyboard. The message remains though having left the site, and is not lost until deleted or powering off.
Sort/Alphabetize Routine
Vertical or Horizontal Lines (CSS) (By R_Endymion)
This code gives a vertical white line beginning 120px from the top of the screen and 130px from the left of the screen. The line is 2px wide and 200px high. Reverse to get a horizontal line.
Scroll Anything Vertically/Horizontally
DHTML "Peek-a-Boo" Window
Now you see it, now you don't window. Before or after the body tag, name a window and position it using a style tag. Then, make a navigation link to open the "peek-a-boo" window (or to close it). At the end of the page, place between "div" tags, the beginning one having the same name as the style tag that positioned it, what is to be displayed in the window coding as it would be on a page. JavaScript code may be placed either within the head of the page for the window or within the window itself. With more than one window, use different z-indices for each, e.g., 1, 2, etc. This stacks each one-behind-the other, lowest values first. The .focus brings it to the top, and the .blur() returns it to its place. Try it and think of the possibilities
DHTML Collapsible "Jump-Box" (by WebWizard Jerry)
Place anchor links or form buttons sequentially in the division section. The menu is generated by an onClick which calls a JavaScript function. Tables, "regular" or gradcolor, make up the "jump-box" links.