In lieu of regular email, and to ward off those ever-present spambots, use this form to send email messages. While I welcome standard email, it does open us to spammers. For WebTV/MSNTV users, the spam has gotten out of control. On an average day, emails sent to the primary user inbox can total up to, if not exceeding, 200! If you are on that LBB, please use this form instead. Thanks!

Webbi Mailer

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Have a site? What's the URL?
Which Site are you visiting?
 Crazedwriter's Fan Fiction 
 Crazedwriter's World 
 My Blog(s) 
 My Web Rings 
How did you get here?
 Search Engine 
 Web ring 
 Link on other site 
 Link from a Top Sties 
 Link from email sig 
 Link from mailing list or newsgroup 
 Word of mouth 
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