american dragon

Chapter 9

The following morning at Richard Kendall's condo...
He didn't want to believe it, but there was the letter, in the mailbox. And this was Sunday! Initially, Richard dreaded that it may be another ransom note; Steve Dix could still be out there at large, still holding Zoe hostage. What a night! Not only did Richard discover that Dix, his long time friend and attorney, masterminded Zoe's kidnapping, but the turncoat lawyer had killed on of his accomplices and drugged the other. Then to top it all off, Richard and Zoe's fiancé, Nathan, gained access to Steve's office and sifted through documents only to discover that Dix had NO development deals for Centralia Square. At least, that is what Richard thought – Steve wanted him to call off the Centralia project in exchange for Zoe's safe return. But that was not the case, and Richard began to fear the worst. Dix has to be hiding her somewhere, I can feel it! But the real shocker came last night, when Frannie, Zoe's best friend, called and told Richard and Nathan to turn on the TV. Something shockingly incredible was going down in Centralia Square. At first, Richard thought it might be news on his daughter. Perhaps there's a shoot-out, or a fire, and my daughter's trapped, helpless... Imagine their shock when before them in blazing color an actual dragon was caught on live TV. An old apartment building was engulfed in flames, and the dragon reared its head in righteous anger and awesome splendor. It was reported that a hit man, who was obviously inside, was rushed to the hospital suffering from an acute heart attack. It was unknown whether the man would live or die. Richard and Nathan, totally taken aback with what they saw, really feared the worse – that Zoe could've been holed up in that building, and quite possible had died in the conflagration. Shaking his head in efforts to push the fantastic images aside, Richard returned to his condo, still worrying about Zoe's fate. He opened the envelope – odd, the writing was decidedly old-fashioned, downright medieval – took out the letter then quickly scanned its contents. What did it say?
Dear Mr. Kendall,
It may please you to know that I found your daughter alive and well. I've kept her hidden away from the Evil One who nearly killed her. He will no longer plague you or your family ever again. I will return Zoe to you this afternoon, but first, you must come to the Centralia. There is something you must see. Do not worry as Zoe is safe and finally out of harm's way. I will explain all once you and Zoe's beloved arrive.

I am, sir...

Neva? Who is Neva, and why does she have my daughter? Did this woman find Zoe? Is this all a trap? Have to tell Nathan, then call the cops. There might be trouble ahead and I don't like it.


In the bowels of the Centralia...
"Neva, why won't you return me home? And where is Bud? You said you had to do something for him, but I have yet to see him again. I wanted to thank him for all he did for me. And I want to thank you for saving me from that Dato guy."
Zoe, well rested after a good night's sleep, rattled non-stop. Her long nightmare finally over, she was more than anxious to go home. After all, her father and fiancé must be thoroughly frantic, perhaps they feared the worst. But I'm not dead! I'm alive and well in the dragon's chamber beneath the theater. Why won't Neva take me home, or at least let me leave on my own. Neva, after treating Zoe to scrumptious Sunday breakfast of fresh fruit, croissants, and hot coffee ("And how did a dragon manage to procure all this food?"), tried to explain to the woman as best she could. 
"Zoe, as I said last night, after we finally defeated Dato, there are so many questions your father will ask. I want him here, in my chambers, for you see, he is very much a player in my history as well as yours."  Zoe didn't quite understand. Why would Neva invite Richard Kendall to the secret chamber. Why, after centuries of hiding herself from humans, would the dragon ever consider such a thing? 
"Neva, you said the last thing you wanted was too much attention, but what about last night? I swear I saw helicopters hovering over the spot where I know YOU set that fire!"

Neva laughed but grew serious as she explained, "But, Zoe, I had no choice. That man was about to murder Eldon, and me, if he got his way. I had to transform into my true self. But the man, in profound shock from seeing a dragon in the flesh, keeled over. The fire was an accident. I didn't mean for it to spread, but it was too late. All I could think of was finding you before Dato got to you." Then, "And those people, those men with guns drawn, aiming at me..." 
"Huh?," exclaimed Zoe with amazement, "you mean they called out the troops? Figures. I knew people would freak once they got a look at you." 
"And they'freak'. They brought out their cameras and firepower. It's all there on the magic mirror. You can call it up if you like." 
"No thanks! I just want to go home as soon as Daddy gets here. Uh, he is coming, isn't he? And you still haven't told me what happened to Bud."

To this Neva laughed again, called up another image on her mirror, then said, "Here, Zoe, looks as if your father will not need coaxing to come here after all. I feared I would have to disguise myself, go to him..." 
"Disguise yourself?"
"Yes, take on human form, as I did when I freed Eldon..."

Noting Zoe's shocked expression, the dragon added, "I only transform when it is absolutely necessary. I've done it only twice, and those occasions were when Eldon needed my help."

Zoe nodded and watched the apparitions before her. She could see the interior of her father's condo. She saw her father, fiancé Nathan, and the police detectives who had been on this case since the beginning. They're talking about the letter Daddy got today. They're looking at it, wondering if it is one of Dix's traps.
No, Daddy, Steve is dead! He wasn't Steve at all, but a man named Dato, an evil man who hunted down Neva for more than 500 years. Why don't you come to the Centralia? Come down here and meet Neva...Oh no! They're leaving. Where are they going? Neva could read the girl's very thoughts, and with a sigh of relief mixed with sadness, she said, "They are coming here, Zoe. Soon you shall be reunited with your loved ones." 
Was there a tear in those great golden eyes? Did the dragon's voice crack a bit?
"Neva," said Zoe, now comforting her friend. "You don't want to see me leave." She embraced the dragon, running her hands over the beast's iridescent blue scales. How pretty she is, how magnificently beautiful. I don't want to leave her. I wonder if...

"Neva, when they arrive, how will they find the chamber. Don't they need the blue crystal to get in?" 
The dragon slowly shook her head. Neva, sensing Zoe's sorrow as well as her own, merely explained that the orb was not necessary once her father arrives. "Eldon will be there, and he will show them the way down here. No, on second thought...and if you don't object..."


Richard waited outside the theater's rear entrance while the cops searched and secured the building inside and out. Nathan had just arrived on the scene and was full of questions. 
"What is it, Richard?," he asked, resplendent in his three-piece suit. Nathan had just gotten out of church when Richard's odd call came. Is it true? Someone has found Zoe alive and well? But what about Dix? 
"I don't know what to think anymore," said Richard, his entire being wracked with worry and dread. "Someone named Neva sent this letter, stuck it in my mailbox, and claimed she had Zoe. She said come to the Centralia and all would be explained. Explain what? Why she had my child holed up all this time while we were hunting down Dix? I don't get it." 

Nathan took a look at the letter, noting, "She said Zoe is out of harm's way. Does that mean Dix is no longer a problem?" 
"I don't know," said Richard, "and what if this is another of Dix's traps. This Neva person could be one of his accomplices. Since Andy or Donna didn't do the job properly, Steve recruited someone else." 
Richard, again, began to lose it, fearing the worse. "What if the cops find her body in there? I bet good money Dix has killed her already, and he wants me here to see my child's..."

He broke off then began crying again, not all out sobs, but Nathan could see tears running down the man's bronze face. Toying with the gold ID bracelet Zoe gave him last Christmas, Nathan began to feel sorrowful as well. Within a few weeks he and Zoe were to be married, but now, with this latest development in the case, coupled with Richard's fears, Nathan had to resign himself to burying the woman who would never become his bride.

"It's just not fair!," Nathan screamed, pounding his fist into the brick wall. In an instant, that wall began to give way, exposing a long flight of steps that seemed to go down into the very bowels of the building. "OK, now what did I do?," said Nathan, thoroughly alarmed. Like magic – well, it was magic – a strange but beautiful blue orb rolled at Richard's feet. Within moments, an aged voice called out to them, "Mr. Kendall? Prof. Kellerman? Y'all can come on down now! Neva said the coast is clear!" Who is this man approaching them? To both gentleman, he looked like any other street bum, grizzled, but not as raggedy as most of the homeless. He came up from the steps, saying, "Come on! That there blue ball will get you inside where Zoe is. I took her down there myself after those punks grabbed her. She's been down there with Neva ever since. Oh, by the way, that man Dix is dead, but he wasn't who you all thought he was. When you all come on down, Neva will explain."

Richard's heart pounded as if it was going to burst through his chest. Is it true? Zoe is alive and well; she's been hidden all this time? And just who is Neva? Another homeless woman who kept his daughter safe for the past four days?
"Sir," Nathan addressed the old man, "is what you say true? Is Zoe indeed safe?" 
"Son," the man said, "that Zoe is one tough lady. Why she...Wait, I'll let Neva tell you." He motioned both men to follow him down the dark stone steps. Down, down they went, not knowing what to expect. The man, forgetting his manners, turned and said, "Oh, my name's Bud, but Neva calls me by my real name, Eldon. I come here sometimes to get out of the cold, and that's when I found Zoe. Those punks had her locked in an old dressing room. I just took her down to where Neva stays. Old girl has been mighty good to Zoe."
Nathan, despite his renewed optimism, still didn't want to believe that his intended had been holed up far beneath the Centralia, and the woman who "rescued" Zoe never bothered to call the police. "Uh, Bud," he inquired, "if your friend, this Neva, has Zoe hidden, then why didn't you or she call the police, or us?"
Bud never looked back; he kept descending the many steps, guiding Richard and Nathan. His only reply: "When you see for yourself, you'll understand why Neva couldn't tell folks."

Then, without thinking, he added, "But she did show herself when she saved me from that hit man Bruce. She didn't mean to do it, and get herself shown on TV but it happened."

Now Richard and Nathan, hanging back a bit, suddenly realized who and what Neva could only be. After all, the area was still crawling with newspaper and TV reporters from all over the country, even the world. Then throw in police, even a small battalion of National Guard. It's the hot topic all over Chicago and beyond. An actual, living, breathing dragon, caught on videotape and film, subsequently broadcast around the world, seemed to appear out of nowhere. Where did it come from? Where has it been all this time? Nathan ventured when he whispered to Richard, "You think the dragon can be – uh – his friend Neva?"
Richard shook his head then stepped up his pace; he had to know for sure. "My guess is that this Neva is some old woman who this Bud knows."  He looked at Nathan, laughed, saying, "Come on! There's no such thing! Why, it could be some outlandish prank. Maybe it's all a big publicity stunt. Nathan, there's no such things as dragons!"

Bud only laughed to himself. "Let 'em think like that. I'll show 'em."

Finally they reached a heavy magnificently carved door. What is this?, thought Richard and Nathan. Bud said, "Hand over that there blue thing." Nathan gave the blue orb to Bud, who placed it on a unique carving on the door. The orb's light pulsated brightly, bathing the dark corridor with azure radiance. The door finally creaked open, revealing the most brilliantly lit room and sparkling marble staircase.
"Come on down," said Bud as he led the men down to the main room of the vast underground chamber. Richard was flabbergasted! How did he miss this?

"This wasn't on the old plans!," he said out loud. "I saw the old blueprints of this building and nothing like this shows up! Who built this? Why? When?" Richard gazed in awe as he wandered through the great crystal chamber. "I don't get it, Nate. How could THIS be so overlooked by city planners?"

"Because the city planners never discovered it. I made sure that they never would."

That feminine voice came from another part of the chamber. Who is that? Doesn't sound like Zoe. Bud just smiled and said, "Oh, that's Neva coming. Zoe should be down in a little bit." So, we finally meet the woman who rescued my child, thought Richard. How can I ever repay her? But what about the cops upstairs? Didn't they discover the passage to this remarkable place? Why aren't they down here?
"I can read your thoughts, Mr. Kendall. Let me assure you that the police will not find my secret lair. As for your daughter..." The voice grew closer; a shadow appeared on the wall. Odd, it doesn't look remotely human but reptilian in shape. Now Nate and Richard began to tremble, for what was, as the latter said, "a horrible prank", was no prank. She finally came into view, every scaly, iridescent inch. What that saw nearly caused major panic.

"It's true!," said Richard. "It was a dragon!" Even Nathan, who once entertained the notion of real dragons wrecking havoc all over town, gasped in awe, "Oh my God! Richard, how can this be? Where is...Zoe!" He spotted her before Richard. "Daddy! Nathan!," screamed Zoe as she bounded out from behind her draconic friend. She ran into her father's arms, kissing and hugging him, crying thousands tears. At last, Richard Kendall embraced the daughter he feared dead. Then she finally, passionately embraced and kissed Nathan.

There was much weeping with joy, relief, and sorrow. Well, joy for the Kendalls, Bud, and Professor Kellerman. But there was a touch of sorrow for Neva. The dragon knew that she had to move on. Too many people had seen her; she had been out in public. However, before she said her good-byes, moved on to another locale somewhere in this world where she could live in peace and obscurity, there was one – no, three – tasks left to complete.

"Mr. Kendall," Neva said as she introduced herself, "welcome to my home, which will no longer be, sad to say, my home. I had my reasons to keep Zoe here with me, and not contact you at once. It was to protect her from harm." 
"You mean harm from Steve Dix?," asked Nate.
The dragon shook her great head. "No, professor, Steven Dix was not who he claimed. In fact, he had everyone with whom he came in contact fooled, except me. So, please, enjoy your reunion with Zoe, then sit, for I have much to explain..."

Neva drew a deep breath as Zoe, her father, Nate, and Bud, took their seats on the crystalline benches. She then, upon that wondrous magical quartz mirror, conjured vivid images of long ago. Then she began her tale.

"It has been nearly 500 years, and much of what I have to tell you is painful but necessary. Zoe partially discovered, and relived, much of that great adventure last night when we finally defeated the Evil One. Now, I will go the beginning, to the early part of the 15th Century, when I was still nestled safe within my egg aboard the Doña Lucia..."



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