Claire Unchained

Chapter 10

Kicking rocks and picking apart autumn wildflowers, a nervous Claire paced back and forth while Aarien communicated with the mother ship. How long had it been since they made their getaway? How long before Howard and Van catch up with them? Not that Aarien was worried; she had the means to defend herself and Claire. But Claire pondered how her father and ex-fiancé would react once they find their way to the open field. She was worried, and understandably so, because she knew Van all too well, and her father. Van would, as Claire predicted, lay into her, resorting to his usual violent tendencies. Slapping and knocking her about was his way of dealing with his own frustrations. By beating Claire, Van thinks he is in control and has the upper hand.

Of course such actions are condoned, encouraged even, by her father. Too many times Claire had witnessed her father slapping her mother. It was 'discipline' as he put it, and he didn't hesitate to spank Claire on occasion, even when she was beyond spanking age. She recalled a time during her middle school years when a temporary lapse in ordinary care resulted in a brutal beating. Claire had won a solo spot in the eighth grade choir's spring festival. This meant after-school rehearsals, and Claire, excited that she was picked, neglected to call home to tell her parents that she would be a bit late. The rehearsal lasted about an hour after school dismissed.
When Claire excitedly returned home, she wanted to tell her folks the good news and hoped that they would attend the performance. While her mother was tentatively congratulatory, her father went ballistic. Why didn't Claire call home? Why didn't she just turn down the solo part? What was she to sing? Was the song 'acceptable' music? So many questions and Claire could only tell them so much since her father really didn't listen.

"We're doing a medley of songs by American composers, Daddy. I'm singing 'I Got Rhythm' with the choir. Mrs. Beale said I have a nice voice, and–"
"Jazz?," Howard asked, his eyebrows raised disapprovingly. "No daughter of mine will perform music of the street. That's nothing more than jungle music, if you can call it music. Now if you were performing patrotic songs, or even a hymn, it would be more acceptable. But jazz? No!"

There was no arguing with her father, and Claire could feel his anger rising as he took off his belt. He ordered Claire to call her music teacher and say she could not be in the recital. Then he took Claire downstairs to the basement. He ordered her to bend over the laundry tub then lift her dress, exposing her bottom. Down the belt came on her buttocks.
Claire yelped in pain, the tears falling into the tub. She think she threw up from the shock of pain, the mess swirling around in the tub, mingling with the remains of dirty wash water. All the while he beat her, Howard recited Bible verses mixed with racial epithets and crude commentary on 'those people and their devil music'. Afterwards, he ordered her to clean up the tub then go to her room and stay there the rest of the evening. She was grounded for the remainder of the school term, even kept from going to Scout camp that summer.

Thinking about that unfortunate episode only steeled Claire to remain steadfast. She was this close of escaping a life of misery and repression. Her own mother finally had the chance to get out from under Howard's brutal thumb, become the woman she was intended to be. With her eyes on both the sky and the road, Claire sent up prayer after prayer. Come on, Darelia! Bring that shuttle now. I want to go home with Aarien. I want to see my mother. Oh God, I hope Legudia talked sense into Mom. She's been so drained by my father than I'm afraid she'll back out the last minute. I don't want to think of what Daddy would do to her if she decides to stay here...

"Claire, all is a go. Just think, within minutes we will be on our way to Edev."
Aarien, somewhat exhausted from the hurried escape from Howard and Van, kissed her lover. She was worried that Claire's mother may not come to Edev after all, even with some friendly persuasion from Legudia. Perhaps, when Darelia arrives in the shuttle, she will bring Emily Brown with her. Claire will have to convince her mother that it is in her best interest – not to mention for her very safety – that she come to Edev.

"We do have the Dream Shield if your father and fiancé threaten us with violence. Claire, it is not my nature to employ violence, but if I have to defend you and myself–"
"Say no more, Aarien," Claire replied, returning the kiss and embrace. "Daddy and Van are so hopelessly old-fashioned. They think if they slap us around a few times, we'll 'obey', simple as that. Really, those guys are so way behind the times. I've often wondered if they were born in the wrong century."
"Or the wrong planet," said Aarien with a wry smile. "You know what would happen to them if they lived on Edev."

The pair laughed as they watched early morning sky. Dawn broke out over the city, painting the sky in soft pinks and oranges. It had turned a tad cool, and Claire wished she had brought her heavier jacket.

Aarien, dangerously beautiful and sexy in her shiny body-hugging black leather uniform, reassured Claire, "On Edev, we have two moons. At night, the sky is all aglow with brilliant silvery light. Our dawns are just as lovely. And our weather, at least where I live, is gorgeous beyond compare. We rarely have storms, just the occasional rain. In the more remote and marine regions do we have violent storms such as your hurricanes and tornadoes. In the province of Cykwa there is much snow and cold."
Claire was pleased with this brief lesson of Edevian geography and meteorology, and she was more than anxious for the shuttle to hurry up and arrive in time.
"There is so much I want to see, Aarien. When we get settled, I want to explore your planet. You know, if I hadn't majored in pre-law, I would've gone into earth science. But Daddy said it was not a fitting field for a 'proper' young lady. Honestly, he is so afraid of change, of anything remotely intellectual. I guess he had hoped Mom and I would soon turn into mindless zombies, not feeling or caring how downtrodden we were. He had hoped for that much if I married Van."
Aarien shook her head, saying, "My dear Claire, you don't have to look back anymore. Once you are settled on Edev, you can pursue any career path you choose. You will never be held back."

Aarien's words put Claire's mind at ease, but her comfort was short-lived. In the distance, she could see headlights of a fast approaching car. Without a doubt, even in the dim light of dawn, Claire recognized that silver Oldsmobile sedan: Van!

"Oh no!," she exclaimed, her heart beating so fast it seemed to burst through her chest, "It's Van and Daddy. They've followed us here."
The car sped up the road, stopped momentarily, then proceeded to where Claire's car was parked. Instantly, not two seconds after Van braked, he and Howard got out of the car. From where Claire stood, she could tell neither man was happy to see her.

"Claire!," Van called out, walking briskly to where she and Aarien stood, "You are to come with me – Now!"
"Never!," came the terse, impassioned response. Those few days with Aarien emboldened Claire. Never before had she felt more free, more assertive. There was no way Van or Howard would ever come between her and her dreams.

Dreams! I have the Dream Shield. But how do I use it? "Aarien," she whispered, "what to do now? I have the Dream Shield, but I don't know how to use it."
"Just think of the free life you'll have on Edev. Concentrate on our love, then point the crystal at them. Don't worry, it will not harm them physically. Just immobilize them long enough for us to make our escape."

Aarien anxiously watched the sky, sighing in relief when she saw the familiar pink light dancing in the early morning sky. That light grew more brilliant as it came closer to Earth. If Darelia timed this right, these close-minded Earth men would witness and feel the power of Edevian women. How dare they abuse and oppress bright women as Claire and her mother. For once, Aarien had wished she could take both Howard and Van back to Edev. One would wonder how long their 'virtuous' attitudes and narrow worldview would hold up once they found themselves relegated to subservient roles. Obviously they would try to incite the Edevian men to rebellion, earning for themselves the same miserable fate as Bamud and his traitorous lot.

Van Allen, his rage getting the best of him, strode up to Claire, grabbed the girl's arm roughly. He said through clenched teeth, his sparse grey hair literally standing on end, "Damn you! I'll teach you to disobey your father and me!"
He reached out to slap Claire, but she wrested away from his grip then slapped him squarely across the face.
A stunned Van stumbled back. "You willful, ungrateful bitch!" He nodded in Aarien's direction. "I suppose this dyke led you down the road to Hell. Well, Claire, looks like I'll have to teach both of you a lesson."

Howard Brown stood back, watching this scene but did nothing to stop Van from pummeling his daughter. She had it coming, and Van was right: Claire allowed herself to be led astray by this strange young blonde woman. The nerve of this bitch, leading a decent girl like Claire on with her evil, twisted ways. No doubt Jen had a hand in this, as well as those lesbians with whom Claire hung around. No matter, for once Van places that ring on her finger, Claire will have to know and keep her rightful place, know what is decent and proper for a woman of her station and upbringing.

Without mincing words, Howard strode up to Claire and Aarien, saying in a voice couched with rage and venom, "Claire, I don't know what has gotten into you, but you're coming home this instant! If I have to lock you in your room until your wedding day, so be it."
He eyed Aarien with marked contempt, the sneering and scowling only made him that more ugly.
"I suppose you're the one who has my daughter all twisted up. I order you to leave her alone! People like you never amount to anything; you only live to corrupt decent God-fearing families with your wicked ways."

Aarien couldn't stand it anymore. After witnessing Claire's rough treatment courtesy of Van Allen and listening to Howard's senseless diatribe on her "unholy" lifestyle, she had to do something. Now that the shuttle was nearing Earth, its bright lights coming into plain view, Aarien got out her communicator and issued this message, "Darelia, is 'you know who' with you? Good! Let her come out the moment you land. And bring out the weapons. I think we'll need them."
Howard looked at her contemptously. "So your kind is resorting to violence now? Do you have to bring out the guns blazing away just to recruit one more innocent child into your fold?"
"Oh no, Mr. Brown," she replied, clearly annoyed at Howard's condescending attitude. "Where I come from guns as you know them are not used. We use something else. Don't we, Claire?"
She nodded at the item still tucked securely in Claire's jacket pocket.

Claire, now fully aware of what her lover indicated, said, "Yes, Daddy. It's called a Dream Shield. I'm going to use it now, before you and Van try to drag me back home."
Fetching the crystal from her pocket, Claire pointed it at both men, her mind fully focused on her love for Aarien, on her new life on Edev. She thought of the freedom she'll enjoy, something she never had as long as she remained under her father's thumb. More importantly, she thought of her mother, her love, her steadfast devotion despite all the pain and repression Howard imposed.

She visualized her and Emily's future on Edev, two women newly empowered and unshackled. In her mind's eye, Claire could see her mother at last fulfilling her scholarly pursuits. Claire in turn would focus on her law career, perhaps securing a position within the new queen's government, perhaps start up a private practice of her own. Both she and her mother would bring a fresh perspective to Edevian culture and society, each leaving her respective, indelible mark. And Van and her father now threatened to take away that dream, as sure as Howard, via a vicious rape, shattered a young Emily's hopes and dreams. Van would, if he dared drag Claire away, forcing her to marry him, browbeat her until she ended up a bitter shell of a woman. A Stepford wife, that's what he wants, someone to cater to his every whim and desire no matter how brutal, demeaning, depraved. In her mind, Claire wanted the men in her life to simply go away.

Still pointing the crystal at them, Claire said with all the conviction in her heart, "Daddy, Van. Please let me go with Aarien. I have so many dreams yet unfulfilled. Dreams you took from me long ago. Mom is going with us, and there is nothing you can do to stop us. You can't take away our freedom, our dignity. Aarien has given that back to me. I'm going whether you like it or not!"
Van was incensed. Shouting at her, storming up to her, he yelled, "Claire, damn it! You're coming home this very minute. We will be married–"
"NO! There won't be a marriage, no wedding. Mom sent out the cancellation notes last night. Daddy, you didn't know that, and Mom wanted no more of your racist, xenophobic crap! She knew Van would beat me night and day, with YOUR blessing! Tell me, Daddy, how many times did you knock Mom around? Every day? Just as you whipped me right up through high school. Oh yeah, I remember when you beat me till my butt bled! I was so happy that I got picked to solo for the eighth grade choir. But no! You wouldn't hear of it. You said 'that evil jazz' was not for me. Oh damn you, Daddy! For once, can't you cut the crap and let me and Mom live our lives in peace? I'm going to Edev with Aarien, and so is Mom. We're leaving you for good! You better get used to being alone for the rest of your life, and you better learn how to cook and clean, because neither Mom nor I will be around to play 'Susie Homemaker' for you! Just beat it and leave us alone! You and Van are full of shit, and I've had it! Mom has had it! The chains come off today, Daddy!"

With every angry word that poured from Claire's mouth, the crystal pulsated, sending forth a dark, inky cloud that instantly enveloped the men. Howard and Van had no idea what was going on as the jet-black fog engulfed them, numbing their bodies and minds. They remained rooted to the spot, totally stunned and silenced as if put into a state of suspended animation.

"Oh my God!," Claire said shockingly, "I didn't know that thing would do that."
Aarien nodded, replying, "They will be immobilized for some time, Claire. The shuttle is about to land. We have to be on our way."

The bright lights of the shuttle became more recognizable as it neared Earth. Claire breathed a sigh of relief as the shuttle lowered itself for landing.
Looking back at the stilled forms of her father and ex-fiancé, Claire shook her head, saying, "Aarien, they wouldn't stop their narrow-minded hate. I had to say what I did. It had to come out. All the pent up frustration and bitterness. I don't hate my father, but I hate what he has done to my mother and me. Maybe once they realize how their actions forced us to leave, they'll shape up. But I'm not holding my breath. I guess some people like Daddy and Van never change. They always believe they're right, no matter how out of step they are with the rest of the world."
"Claire, men like your father and Van will never realize the harm they inflict until it's too late. Perhaps, as you said, once it sinks in for them that you and your mother are gone for good, they might come around. My love, may I suggest that we enlist your aunt to communicate with us, keep you and Emily abreast of your father's welfare. I understand you love him, but you can't live with him and neither can your mother. In time, your father will be a distant memory, not that the memories of him will be happy ones. But think of what your lives could've been if you had stayed on Earth, if you had married Van."

While Claire pondered what Aarien said, the shuttle hatch flung open. Out stepped Captain Darelia, a vision in her tight bright blue uniform. With her emerged Emily and Legudia.
"Mom!," called out Claire as she ran to embrace her mother. "Oh, Mom, it was awful. Daddy and Van caught up with us. Van hit me, Mom, and Daddy did nothing to stop him. I used this." She showed Emily the Dream-Guard and told how she used it on her father and Van.
Emily noticed her husband and Van still suspended in the inky cloud, still numb in body and mind.

"So that explains why they're like that. What did you do or say to them?"
"What I've been meaning to say all these years. What you've been wanting to say to Daddy."
"But I didn't have the guts until now. Oh, Claire, I've had the most wonderful talk with Legudia. Did you know she is a priestess on Edev, and that she has her own temple. I've been telling her about the great women of my faith tradition, and she says I could, if I decide to go with you, become a teacher of religious studies. I hadn't thought of that before, and...Oh Claire! This is the beginning of a whole new life for us. But Jen...I hate to leave her."
Claire understood, saying, "Mom, Aunt Jen will, with Aarien's permission, be our only liaison between Earth and Edev. She can communicate with us, as we will with her." Then, thinking about her ex-fiancé, she added, "Aunt Jen said she had something on Van, but I don't know what it is."

Emily shrugged, replying, "Who cares? We're free, Claire. Now, let us be on our way. I can't wait to see Edev. Legudia promises to give me the grand tour."
"And don't worry about leaving behind your favorite Earth things," said Aarien, coming up to embrace both her lover and Emily. "Darelia has agreed to send Lt. Zema to your home. She will accompany Jen to gather the items then load them onto another shuttle. You will have your books, music, family heirlooms, everything. There will be no need for homesickness. I truly care for your daughter, Emily, and I want both of you to be comfortable in your new life on Edev."

That said, Claire and Emily looked back one more time at the still numb Howard and Van. No more kowtowing to the men's whims and demands. No more suppressing their independence, no more giving up all their hopes and dreams.
Boarding the shuttle, Claire turned to her mother, saying, "Mom, do you think you'll miss Earth?"
Emily Brown smiled wryly, kissed he daughter, and replied, "My name is Emily Dorfman. Howard Brown and the life I had with him is now a distant, forgotten memory. I've suffered this extended amnesia long enough. No, I won't miss him or his ways. But I will miss this lovely planet, and all the good that's in it."

With everyone securely inside, the shuttle hatch closed then lifted off the ground with ease. In seconds, the craft was just another brilliant star speeding through the early morning sky.


"What the hell happened?"

Van Allen, his legs still weak, his mind still in a fog, began to emerge from suspended animation. He had no idea what had happened. The only thing he could recall was Claire yelling something about lost dreams and forced repression. Then she pointed an object at him and Howard. It looked like a dagger of sorts, but it spewed forth a thick black cloud. What did she do?

Looking about, he realized both Claire and that woman were gone. The car was gone.
"Howard," he said, assisting a still groggy Mr. Brown to his feet. "They're gone. The car is gone. I don't know where to look. Have any ideas?"
Howard Brown, himself still in a daze but cognizant enough to let his anger boil over, replied, "We go back to her apartment. If she's not there then I suggest we go home. Emily is there. Claire is bound to come home sometime, and when she does, we'll be ready for her."

No sooner had the men managed to walk back to their car when a swarm of cars and vans sped up the road towards the field. When the vehicles parked alongside Van's car, dozens of people armed with cameras and microphones sprang out without warning. Instantly they began their interrogation.

"Mr. Allen, any truth to allegations of child molestation?"
"Mr. Allen, are you aware that a Mrs. Kaye Summers filed charges of child molestation against you? What do you say to these allegations?"
"Mrs. Summers alleges you molested her fourteen-year old daughter while said child was in your employ. Do you deny these charges?"
"Mr. Brown, were you aware of the warrant for Mr. Allen's arrest?"
"Mr. Brown, is it true you and Mr. Allen head an organization that encourages hate crimes?"
"Mr. Allen, is it true that you targeted Mrs. Summers' daughter on the basis that she is bi-racial?"
"Did you funnel business funds into your personal accounts?"
"What about the allegations that you and Mr. Brown own and operate a child pornography distribution center?"

The questions came fast and furious. The allegations of child molestation, hate crimes, misuse of funds, embezzlement, and child porn were too much for Howard and Van to bear. So it all caught up with the pair: They had been leading a secretive double life. They presented to the world a perfect veneer of respectability and high morals, yet they indulged in the worst of depravities.
Van and Howard refused to answer the media's non-stop questions. They tried to get into the car, hoping for a quick getaway, but they were stopped by uniformed policemen and plainclothes detectives.

"Howard Brown and Van Allen," began the cop, "you are under arrest for child molestion, possessing and distributing child pornography, embezzlement, criminal confinememt...You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law..."
Unceremoniously the cuffs were slapped on the men. Howard and Van said nothing as the police shoved both into the backseat of a squad car, the reporters still bombarding them with questions. Cameras and mikes vied for space, the men's faces videotaped and broadcast all over town and beyond.

From a safe distance, Jen Dorfman watched this pathetic scene. She also watched the sky and saw the faint twinkling of the shuttle. Jen's eyes followed that light as it faded into the distance. A tear welled in her eye, falling down her cheek. They are gone, both Claire and Emily, gone to another planet where they'll spend the rest of their days in peace and independence.
Jen Dorfman took out the special communicator Aarien had given her. She flipped it open, pressed the buttons, then spoke these words:
"Emily, Claire. If you get this, please know I love you and will miss you terribly. Howard and Van's secret has been exposed. They're being hauled off to jail as I speak. I don't want to upset you with the sordid details. When Zema and I come up with your belongings, I'll tell you everything. Right now, I only want you to settle in, think of the happy days to come. Your long nightmare is finally over."


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