LBB Fix-it
CCP Codes
First Site? Read these tips
Image Shares
Writers FKey
Email Me
![webtv city glow](/sugarcrisp/shares/wtv_cityglow.gif) Tips & tricks to navigate the Information Super-highway
Welcome to my new general Help page. Here you will find links to commonly used web resources, tools, copy-paste HTML codes, tips from veteran webmasters, and more. Though this section was originally designed with the WebTV/MSNTV user in mind, it has evolved to be more inclusive of the online community as a whole.
Also, there are tips and fixes for common WebTV/MSNTV problems, e.g., how to access certain sites that don't work too well (or not at all!) with the Little Black Box, getting into web-based email such as Yahoo! and Gmail, etc.
A brief description of contents linked:
- Thinking about making your first web site? Read Beyond the Sig, handy tips I learned from my own first time. How to choose a host, use the transloader (If there are folks who've still never used it), promote your site, etc. Has a page of frequently used web design resources and help sites.
- Cut-Copy-Paste Codes:
Most frequently used HTML and JavaScript codes for web pages and email sigs. Some are WebTV specific; others will work for both PC and LBB user.
- Fix-It:
Just what it says. Basic fixes for hard-to-view sites with WebTV.
- Writers F-Key:
I linked this page for those who do online writing. Basic tools for most writing tasks: name and title generators, printable worksheets, word counters, two LBB word processors/testbeds.
- Image Shares:
Small collection of images: Backgrounds, clipart, animated gifs, illustrations for use on pages and email sigs.
Thanks for visiting. If you have any resources and/or ideas that can be included here, please pass along the link and I'll get it on here as soon as possible.