[All Rings Overview] [Ring Hubs] [Important Stuff to Know]
[My Own Sites & Contact Info]
Please Read! Updated as of June 1, 2012:
Due to lack of interest, Hunchback of Notre Dame and Tales of the Mesozoic rings are dead. One of two other rings I manage may die as well. The only rings that still produce significant interest and hits are Writers on the Web and Authors of Erotica. If your site is in any other ring, please expect a notice from me by mid-June. Thanks for your support and interest, but managing web rings is no longer fun.
I manage four rings of various topics. Links to all Ring Hubs at bottom of this page.
- Who can join your rings?
Anyone can join the rings, but there are specific qualifications for each.
- What are the requirements for Writers on the Web?
Web: Sites that feature writing -- poetry, fiction, non-fiction, fan fiction, scripts for movies, TV, or stage, blogs. WebTV users are especially welcome to join but membership is not limited to WebTV users. One thing: your site must feature some kind of original writing. No F-keys, HTML CC&P codes, sig makers, graphic sites, links pages, or WebTV help pages will be accepted.
- What are the requirements for Black Folks Who Write?
Open to all African-American writers who showcase their works on the web. All writing genres are welcome. Fiction, non-fiction, blogs, poetry, screenplays, etc.
- What are the requirements for Authors of Erotica?
Open to all writers of erotic/adult fiction, poetry, fan fiction and non-fiction, blogs, etc. Please have the necessary disclaimers on your site. NO discussion forums, mailing lists, pay sites, or XXX hardcore porn sites please. Absolutely NO sites that exploit children and teens. This is expressly forbidden in WebRing's TOS.
- What are the requirements for SA 1776 WebTV Wizards?
Any site geared to the Little Black Box crowd or general audience. In fact, I encourage WebTV webmasters who make sites for everyone, not just LBB users, to join. Fkeys, tools, resources, graphic and font collections, ImageMagick tutorials, personal sites, fan sites, etc. PC-made sites are welcome but they must be readily accessible and navigable with a WebTV browser.
Adding your site and what to do once confirmation email arrives
- Once you've decided which ring best suits your site, please go to the ring hub then the link "Join this ring." Then fill in all necessary information. Your email address and site URL must be valid; I can't review your site or contact you without valid site and/or mailto links. Please submit the page URL where the ring code will be.
- The confirmation email will contain your site ID number, site information, and password. Please keep this message in a safe place! You will need your ID number and password for making any changes to your site information.
- Copy and paste the ring navigation panel on your registered page. If you've submitted a separate "My rings" page, please provide ample links to those pages with actual content, e.g., "Go to my Home Page."
If you have a separate "My Rings" page, please copy and paste the code on that page.
- Please note that for all WebRing.com rings, the navcode script is already provided once you sign up. Just copy and paste. Change nothing else! If you're already in one or more WR rings, then you have the "stack". WebRing's code wizard will check your page for navigation code.
- I check the queue for newly submitted sites twice a week. Those queue sites with working navpanels will be admitted into the ring(s). I allow up to 30 days for site owners to copy and paste the code on their pages. It is preferable to add the code to your pages within 10 days.
Only pending sites with PASS navcodes will be admitted to the ring. PASS_L or FAILS are NOT options!
- Any important news Re: any ring is immediately passed onto ring members via both email and board posts. I like to keep in touch with ring members so we'll have as few problems as possible.
- Need to change any site information, i.e., URL, title, or description? Have you changed email addresses? Deleted your site? Please login to the ring's edit page and make those changes in a timely manner. Otherwise contact me via personal email so I can make those changes myself.
Ring Hub Links:
Writers on WebTV Ring Hub
Black Folks Who Write Ring Hub
Authors of Erotica
SA 1776 WebTV Wizards
The Commons