Here is a Cute Tag to do

Create a White BG 300x300



Do Frame=green 15x15+3+3

Now go to Transform do Roll +100+100

Now do Frame Again Same as before

Now resize it to 450x500

Go to Transform

Do Flop

Do Rotate=Left

Now Paint Black

The Bottom one and Top Right Squares

Now the Font...

It is IM one called Alfred Drake

Scroll down it is There

Fill=fuchsia and Stroke=green

Den=72 and Width=1

Size=75 for my name

At NorthEast+10+45

Make Your Name Big

Now Rotate Right

Now Comp Flowers at NorthWest+20+110

~Pink Flowers~

Now the Fairy at NorthWest+5+25 Rotate= 10


Now the Butterfly at NorthEast+50+50


Now resize to 375 height

Do Output as

Singlefile and jpg

Now TL it

I really like this Tag

If you do one Show us...
